
Discord ID: 145847875186851840

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Why am I doing this to myself again

Sako doodle. I have some other drawings too but they're loli lewds.

@Jelly Donut your work is so stylish and cool

Ty. If anyone cares they can pm me for the uncropped versions. I'll try to draw some none degenerate lewds too.

Wonder who that could be

A little, but I mostly grew out of it. I'm still a bit of a madlad but I'm less edgy about it.

Guro is still fun, especially cannibalism/hard vore. Still a sadomaso. Still a degenerate in all the best ways.

Oh I'm doing great, besides a giant slap in the face from a depressive episode. Other than that best shape in my life.

That was dark time

I'm surpridsed people remember me tbh. I guess I was pretty wild but still

That was more than a year ago.

What was some of your old usernames? I don't recognize angery

I know you Reichtangle.

It was probably Radmin's

That's were I was most active and degenerate

Same, but I never posted here.

I also chilled with Tactical Lolis server

You seem familliar Angery but its not clicking yet

Is Motorboat still around? I miss that idiot.


Gator shits on everything, constantly. That's his appeal.

Vinyl added me to k haven I guess ill see him there

It was low key wholesome

I'm 20 now. I had to do some growing up.

You're so young wtf

Maybe 17 at the youngest

I'm so lucky I want 21 back then

I would have legit cut my finger off if I was drunk enough

nah im not into boys

if i was gonna flay you, i'd be fucking you too

It's funny. At the peak of my degeneracy I was also at the peak of my philosophy posting

I want o brain fuck someone

then Id be like "the universe is a living organisim"

"and I want to brain fuck it"

I look like a man beast right now. Like straight out of Bloodborne. I haven't shaven in a month or a haircut in 3

Depression is a bithc like that though. It's so frustrating being so lazy.

I'm on an upward swing, I'm just at a low point right now. Overall I'm getting my shit together but these last few months have been rough.. My mom was in a coma and my dad became abusive and alchoholic. I got professional help that's gonna be great in the long term, but in the short term it dug up all sorts of repressed baggage. Just trying to force my way through the muck. There's light on the other side of the tunnel.

Btw I noticed you gave me the drawfag role. Sweet.

I remember modding Radmin's server. As chill as it was 80% of the time, the drama was unbelievable. Felt more like a highschol group instead of a bunch of adults.

I still love Radmin, but man he was lowkey a pussy and played favorites all the damn time.

I think you made a meme out of me trying to mad that server angery

Oh I loved being important. Especially since a lot of the normies in the server hated me for my degeneracy. Even more because radmin loved me and basically did everything I suggested to him

I was there for the porn, shitposting, and occasional philosophy posting

Someitmes the games, but I wasn't into siege or insurgency at the time

I remember playing For Honor with peeps there though, that was lit.

toofs are nice though

shark teeth > fangs > 1 fang > none

God i just want a cute sharp toof demon loli with fluffy hair

Not even to lewd, just for pats and nibbles

Tomboys are as good as IRL girls get

Feeling blessed that I'm dating a cute fit reverse trap with brownie skin and curls

congrats on getting laid friendo

I haven't slept with my bf yet because its long distance but we're meeting irl in a week

already bought the bus ticket

they're trans, so they have a boy pussy

therefore not gay

Eh, long distance is trash but wholesome love makes it all worth it. We just had our 1 year anniversary

Well, if it helps, he's trans because of a diagnosed mental illness, not frivoulous bullshit. It's not a debate I wanna get into but he's not the liberal stereotype

Wish it was better researched. I've had a lot of interesting debates with him about it but most of the solutions we've come to come done to speculation.

Agreed. My bf agrees too, strangely enough

To him, transitioning is a last resort when medication and therapy fail. which, they sadly have for him. He's had it since he was 9.

When all else fails transitioning is a suitible coping method, but the dangerous and experimental surgeries make it a huge danger. I don't think theres an argument against "soft" transitioning like name changes and crossdressing though.

There needs to be better solutions but they're not being persued, byecause people just leave it at "transition", ingoring the regret and suicide rates.

The issue is low key how society views gender

not to go all feminist

No, but we act like it does. It's actively enforced in some cases. IE the social stigma of crossdressing. At the core, theres no reason a skirt is "feminine", but a man is berated and called gay or trans if he decides he likes wearing them. This causes a lot of confusion for people who don't conform to these roles, and this is reinforced by the left who takes this confused people and tell them that they don't like skirts. Their problem is that they were born in the wrong body.

Gender norms exist for a reason because of natural differences between sexes. however, these differences already manifest naturally and there. Tehy don't need to be enforced.

Girly cute girls will exist naturally becasue females tend to be agreeable and open. However, "tomboys" have a personality that is traditionally masculine, and they shouldnt be forced to be feminine.

These norms will self enforce and those that don't conform are a better fit elsewhere.

Yes, and that's my point. tomboys and traps will always be outliers, so whats the point in enforcing this? It only causes tomboys and traps to think that the y were "supposed" to be men and attempt to transition, instead of understadnign that females can be mascuiline and males can be feminine, even if its rare

Men will be mascuiline on their own. It's literally genetic. There's no need to enforce outliers.

Traps like feminine clothes and girly things, in general. How is that different than a tomboy?

Traps =/= transwomen in my example

That's because all tomboy are tranboys these days

Abnormal needs to be balanced with normal

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