
Discord ID: 233014444500713475

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id talk but im retarded and have a headache




nobody actually follows "nofap" shit

they just say they do to look cool or some gay shit i guess

we'll get an actually decent president once 2019 starts

come to brazil when that happens

but before that

dont come here, you'll get shot

it happens mostly on rio de janeiro

but just two days ago there was an all out attempt at robbing a bank i think

*which is pretty far away from the coast*

of course, it went wrong for the bandits

happened in ribeirรฃo preto


not even december yet

never too early for padoru


in fact i love it

i sleep now tho cuz its 1:12am and im tired and have a headache

but at least i'll have good dreams with that image

and yes i have big gay

i cried when i was diagnosed with it


wish i could but my pc trash and i cant buy the game yet



i want ribeyrolles and contender

not many resources and too many contracts


cmon man dont say that

i did that recipe so many times for welrod

it took me 120 rolls to get welrod with the 130 recipe lmao

reading that makes me sad because of all the resources i used up on her


only reason i wanted her was the fact i got her costume twice on the gacha

and i wanted to get rid of it

i literally cant pay for tokens

if i could id roll much more


I wanted AR-15's school costume

i only had two 10rolls

got M590's on the first try

cried about it <:GWempDab:404075913605677105>

i wasnt aware of that

i'd never touch G11 anywhere

well except for those two

but you get what i mean

production time, give me a recipe


fuckin batch production is fucking nice my dudes

i'm making one mg-sg team

but i need sat8 and ksg for it

because i love them

The echelon I have is quite bad tbh

i dont really know what to do with it

so should i switch 1911 for grizz/mk23

just switch m1918 for her

i can make that echelon

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