
Discord ID: 261255625277833216

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greetings everyone


bruh it is 6am and i have been up all night

what is wrong with me

don't mine at night

why does revenge kinda slap ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ

yeah that shit is fire tbh

cause baby toniiiiiiiight

get inside don't be tardy


i have a better Bruh emote but i can't use it



Como estas?

How the fuck do I do an upside down question mark

one of my friends is into lolis, what is the quickest way to off him


i like having color so i can make fun of whitenames

soon i will work my way up

@Quisquoses just you wait Headass

you're gonna see me with a color name and you will weep

why is discord's desktop client so assssss

i literally can't move this server on my computer

in the server list

@S T Y X โ„ข it's electron tho

doesn't work, i'll send a screen recording lmao

are we allowed to send links



ok i will send in shitposting

i literally cannot drag servers

it is there

it's a problem with discord's garbage ass electron client

i hate electron

the issue is not me, the issue is electron ๐Ÿ˜ค

electron is the cause of every problem on earth


it works on my phone for some reason lofl

i literally did

watch the video in shitposting lol

i used to be able to, but now i can't ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

@S T Y X โ„ข true but you could have been gentler

ok Bruh

discord: restarted
headset: on
server list: still broken

do you think i haven't tried restarting discord lol


they are, that's a part of the restarting

my knuckles cracked while i right clicked the discord icon and clicked force quit

somewhere in that process it happened

feeling a bruh moment building up ๐Ÿ˜ณ

just wear socks, yall should know

how to make throat not hurt

dribbble stop sending me emails

@S T Y X โ„ข some would say not enough

the gaming levels could get higher

can this server have external emotes

i want to use my bruh emoji

The LMFAO Fandom Is Dying

it's party Rock is ๐Ÿ˜ค



30 kill streak

i like your profile picture organic

it is very nice

Bruh bot

i am constantly hating whitenames

so right now, i hate myself ๐Ÿ˜” ๐Ÿ‘Œ

as the absolute chad i am, i must always have a colored role

you can tell i'm a chad cause i'm in the Hentai Haven discord server

where all of the pussy devourers go

White people be like

Black people be like

Guys . I have t,,he Colored Roles in the Henta iHaven discord Server so uhh... I'm Cool ๐Ÿ˜ณ

@Mr. Colourblind I have color role quiet down stupid

@Chocum Yes ๐Ÿ˜Ž

I have dec ided to BeFriend you . You have joined my exlclusive group of Friend. Very limited

@S T Y X โ„ข throw hands bruh. 4am. tomorrow. behind the chilis.

bring lube

@Chocum As colored rolen Haver. I desiignate you an Alpha

Hmm . LEt think

Jow to type Accents on macOS Mojave @Deleted User

Ok thanks. You friend now !



She dead .

Bet you feel bad now, Nerd :Cool:

I keep beating my dick to animation but God will not answer !


I, require Healing.

Gety the fucki,ng Japanese Pop Music out of my YouTiube Recommende.


Passport control


time to disappea



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