
Discord ID: 216643960330780674

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2018-12-26 15:52:13 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

Dude I just saw the video on YouTube about my home country Brasil, and I have to say... it got a lot of thinks wrong, no one from outside know just how messed up our situation really is and thatโ€™s not a joke. If anyone wish I can tell you guys about my country without any political bias.

2018-12-26 15:57:27 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

Thank you

2018-12-26 15:57:53 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

What do you wish to know about this big mess that I call home?

2018-12-26 16:08:50 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

Well letโ€™s begin, the video in question is this one: โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=obSVMEr1AeIโ€”โ€”โ€” the vรญdeo talks about an eventual war between Brazil and Venezuela.

2018-12-26 16:13:46 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

The first think that is wrong with the video is that there are mob gangs patrolling the border trying to stop migrants, thatโ€™s just wrong, there were a few border skirmishes between groups of Brazilians and Venezuelans in a city, but it happened because 3 Venezuelans robed and killed a Brazilian, and after that well the BR (abbreviation of Brazilian) army was dispatched and started to put order back in the place

2018-12-26 16:18:11 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

I will answer your point later, just let me finish with the video

2018-12-26 16:23:12 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

The video also said that the new president mister Bolsonaro isnโ€™t going to do anything about the migrants, but that he is going to target Cuba and Venezuela, and thatโ€™s what they got wrong, Bolsonaro already sad that he will stop the migration in the region by the use of the military, but that kind of went backwards, because I kid you not, the army began fighting the national force

2018-12-26 16:25:17 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

(The national force is a military group that was created by our last 2 presidents Lula and Dilma, itโ€™s a heavily armed military group that answers only to them and is trained by Cuban and Chinese instructors)

2018-12-26 16:25:29 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  


2018-12-26 16:28:21 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

Now about what you said @Unbekannten you wold be right if we had plans to invade Venezuela, but we are fighting a internal war against a military group and their allies (organized crime groups)

2018-12-26 16:29:47 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

I work with people that are addicted To drugs and itโ€™s not that easy

2018-12-26 16:32:16 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

In fact my father developed a pill that removes all the pleasures of using drugs, leaving only the bad side, and I kid you not the user wouldnโ€™t stop using the drug

2018-12-26 17:03:50 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

I had to go back to work

2018-12-26 17:04:45 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

But if you have any questions about my country, just ask and I will answer them

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