Vivi Kitty

Discord ID: 494723371708317706

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2020-03-18 10:36:14 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

imma be honest... once there is a covid-19 vaccine... please get vaccinated... i want to be safe when i plan to move in a few years

2020-03-18 10:39:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

i know people my age with bad immune systems

2020-03-18 10:39:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

its best to get that vaccine

2020-03-18 10:41:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

cuz some people wont be able to get it so the people who do get vaccinated will decrease the chance of them getting infected

2020-03-18 10:42:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

and having it spread

2020-03-18 10:42:06 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

its called herd immunity

2020-03-18 10:43:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

the "poison" is at a low dosage that wont hurt you

2020-03-18 10:44:12 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

the risks of having vaccines are far less than the risks of whatever disease you will get if you dont

2020-03-18 10:45:01 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

watch the vid

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