Stacy L Gage

Discord ID: 292106530449391616

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red velvet uses a cream cheese frosting

i bake so using mayo is sacrilege to me

in any frosting. it's only good for potato, chicken, and egg salad

some ppl are just better cooks, doesn't matter who they are. like i'm better at makin cakes, frosting and baked goods than one of my male frinds, but he's better at cookin meatx

you aint got the tiddies for it ๐Ÿ˜›

they are aren't they? ^_^

but they do get ppl into trouble

i was talking about me getting into trouble -_- mine get me into a lot of trouble

@Whiskey-Vargas ya ever make chocolate and caramel from scratch? :d the best is from scratch. and it makes excellent frosting for caramel cake

mayo is eggs, oil, vinegar and salts.

i was a manager and someone tried that weak ass handshake shit. needless to say they not only did not get a raise but all my weightlifting years gave em a bruise -_- i don't think he lifted a damned thing in his life

the sad part is he doesn't know princess peach's history -_-

well, the sad part is he is who he is and that he was able to collect up that money :/



i wanna know too :3

liking kitties doesn't make you a furfag. *liking* kitties make you a furfag

nekos aren't furries. that's what the furries say. and tbh, most furfags don't have cats, they're just naturally nuts


neko=anime catgirl

its kinda like determining furfags from weebs because furfags hate weebs (otaku was the original term or anime nerd)

cat girl. cat ears cat tail human body no extra fur (usually)

cat girls for furries is basically like selvester the cat(looney tunes) but horrible

i never save furry shit, too nasty

that is an accurate chart, but the char i posted isn't a furry, just black and white lol

pray the kitty is a she lol

anyone have some steak?

dogs like steak

dude, if i never gave my dogs steak i would die in 24hrs. they aint vegan lol

cheat, go to vegas or do a courthouse wedding and get her a non diamond ring she can brag about to her family ^_^

one of my friends did a lapis ring for their wedding

he'll be back, with another account

like all the ohters

it's the whole "don't look at me" attitude. they never really got actual consiquences in their childhood and now the rich versions of them are conartists, and the "poor" version are gullable as fuck

makes it hard for ppl to get along when there are a bunch of gullible idiots :/

i thin they're just ban happy

tbh i'm suprised i'm not banned cuz i say "fuckin retarded" a lot

i was suprised it wasn't either. cuz that was right at the peak of sjw trans crazy when they had that tweet

last year maybe? no idea lol. this has been a creazy few years

did you expect anything less?

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