
Discord ID: 312922952523972617

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it was an essay from eckart

its just more bullshit propaganda

even wikifuckingpedia, the most ZOGed infested, leftist shithole claims its not real

this is the whole problem with religion, it makes your brain soft.... if you take any of that bullshit as real you will simply beleive anything without question..... leading to making moronic statements like hitler wasnt christian...

because israel controls the world..... dummy

fuck off, it was in answer to the comment above me........ why only remove mine and not that?

and why remove the 2 of the bellamy salutes?

its not nazi you dumb fuck, its the american flag....

it even said it in the caption of the pic......

ITT: americans who dont even know what an american flag looks like....


no, it was simply replying to the other guy talking about it to point out that is how it USED to be done before ww2

to show him what it would look like

@AngryToastJoe im aussie so take it how you like.... but i think it being longer is better, get peoples heads out of this mindset of everything instant

its simply one of the things that is killing hte west

instant gratification

@Cpt.Pipedream you are just trolling, right?

no one on this planet can truly be this dumb.... and i know religious people....

@Queef Madagascar once you begin to make massive leaps of faith to come up with this bullshit you have to continually make even bigger leaps of faith to cover up the inaccuracies you began with

aka "everyone that dosnt agree with me is a shill"

dunning kruger 101.....

we are reaching levels of stupid that shouldnt even be possible

one look at the sky at night in different places around the world tells you you are full of shit

lol >anything not american is euro

hey dumbfuck, who built america?

ill give you a hint, europeans

except we did... repeatedly

and you completely fail at radiation....

holy fuck that video you linked above is DUMB

and opollo was sheilded

>flatcuck talking about others intelligence

well ill be damned, ya got me.......

it wouldnt have gravity either...

or an atmosphere

>flatcuck says we are doin it wrong....

who can blame her for not wanting to downggrade....


we have it from when we are born, to look towards our own people

its a safety mechanism to stop us trying to live with dangerous animals etc

its been observed in babies in testing etc, its very strong

takes a lot of talmudvision and attention whoring to break from it....

even rates of birth defects n shit are higher when you race mix, its brilliant

even nature hates coalburners

mind you.... not that you ever see that reported anywhere... only when you search hard for the info caus its hidden

just being able to breed together does not make something the same species

horse and donkey can still produce fertile offspring (tho rare)

@Arik i have tons of stuff on why faggots and their movement is poison

news articles and posts n stuff

the answer to 1984 is 1933

i dont advocate for their poor treatment

but they are being poorly treated now

parading around a mental illness like its something to look up to, adding to their delusion and their ultimate suicide in most cases

and massive regret in almost every case

7-10 years until faggots regret their decidsions usually to the point tehy kill themselves

and this is all pushed as a good thing by the deluded left

yes they can......

and htey are

and they are adopting and abusing children as well

i wont spam this room any more.... but i have thousands of things like this

and the pedos at faggot marches sexually abusing adopted kids

want them in here or elsewhere?

maybe put them in <#356277996274843658> so the mods dont cry at me again

@Arik tell me that this kid isnt being abused by the same filthy degenerates who taught this to him https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4fb_1437753990&comments=1

what do you mean NOW?

its been happening for decades

just the media never reports on that side

its starting to now because they are trying to normalise it

pedos are like faggots 20-30 years ago when it was looked down on by most, in anothger 10-20 years they will have done the same with pedos

they are introducing laws around the world wher ethey can take your kids away if the school deems them to be faggots and you dont support them.........

this is the faggot friendly "safe schools" marxist bullshit they are trying to bring in everywhere

why do you say that @Shmola ?

all we need is a single place where whites arent forced to live with niggers

it will thrive, as they always do

and more and more people will want into it and it will expand

much like israel does.....

@Shmola its run by degenerate kikes who are nothing but parasites, what did you expect?

i blame hitler for not really killing jews....

this time we will tho

the cave art wouldnt have been by jews, they never lived there until 1947

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