Che Havill

Discord ID: 679805905302323245

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I used to have two dogs. One ate rat poison the other broke his leg.

Their names were major and odin.

Major dug this hole

And i put the corpse of a chick in it, and it acted as fertilizer.

I found the chick dead.

Pine forest

Pine forest.

Yeah, got a lifestyle block on moonshine hill, it's 10 acres @AngloAmericanGod.

@pompompiggy why so black?

I have to do this for highschool.

It's actually one of those muh shoah books @AngloAmericanGod

My dad has 200 dollars worth of reichsmarks in his room, he showed me.

Bunch of money with swastikas and eagles on it.

My cockrel.

Why is populism so popular?

Does this count

I can tolerate nazbols but not regular commies.

Look at my large cockrel.

Brb doing 9axis

Took the quick one so it's probably not accurate

You need a government to have a military.


To a point.

I am socially trad, but i support machines so it marked me as progressive.

Just took the quick 45 questions instead of the full 216

Oh no he doxxed me.

He found out my name.

This is on my bookshelf.

Bass guitar

It belongs to my parents roommate who rented the sleepout

He is a bassist

He is also a pagan, and an anarcho-socialist.

No clue

His name is justin


Ducks in background @AngloAmericanGod

@i am slaanesh
>that pfp
>that nickname
>account name i am slaanesh#5638
Fuck, I think you might be more autistic than I am.

I think I'm going to be a baker.

My Dad's a baker.

My Dad's Dad's a baker.

My Dad's Dad's Dad's a baker.

My Dad's Dad's Dad's Dad's a baker.

Actually, now that I think about it, it's just bakers all the way up.

My grandad used to own a bakery called "Georgios" but he sold it to a fish and chip shop called fishtown so he could have more money for motorcycles.

And for weed money too.

My grandad is in a motorcycle gang, I don't know which one, but they call him Frog.

He really likes frogs, for some reason.

-df Yeak


I made this today.

They are vines, yeah.

I made a wreath, then I put more vines through it to make an anarchist symbol.

My brother made a small five pointed star one.

Brb getting it.

@pompompiggy me for scale


Heres how small bros one is

Why is it not @Pelth

My brother made the star.

2020-04-03 08:50:02 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

-df POC

2020-04-03 08:52:22 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #gender-issues]  

>list of people killed for being transgender

Pick one lmao


I made this

2020-04-03 08:56:07 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #bumps-us]  

!d bump

Just found out that my step mum supports social darwinism.

@AngloAmericanGod I made this today.

@AngloAmericanGod little bro made this

New Zealand


-df POG

Brb having a shower

What's a good introductory political book? I only have $22.


@AngloAmericanGod Is wealth of nations hard to read? I found a copy on amazon for $6.


brb figuring out reading comprehension level.

@AngloAmericanGod found a free ebook on gutenburg

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