Deadly Shells

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You're basically using a fleshlight inside a doll. Just pull it out and clean it quickly.

All girls should have long black hair tbh.

Blondes are inferior to red heads and girls with long black hair.

Getting girls is easy if you look good and act normal around them. The issue is that dealing with them is a pain. That's why I turned to traps.

Yeah yeah.

Traps are only 50% gay.

You find traps online. Just make sure you're both clean. I wish there were more traps though.

PUA means "Pay us assholes"?

I've had sex with regular women too though.

Traps are bi, not gay.

Okay, I see your point.

I think white nationalists should love the Jews.

a dude and a dude goes to a cave-> one goes in->the other puts out

69 really did snitch.

I'm not a fan of American football. Too many football players end up killing themselves because of the brain injuries they receive.

Or they become super depressed.

The brain damage cause the depression and the depression causes suicide.

There's been whole documentaries explaining how helmets don't protect the inside of your brain.

@no u Go shoot the people in the family courts instead of brown mexicans.

Or don't.

@Red Pill Attorney That is a false stat. Most women in America did not vote for trump.

Guys like Sargon is exactly why muslims will win. He's a rational "skeptic" yet supports first and second wave feminism.

Even "rational" guys support women's rights.

@Xychotic Women should be second class citizens, not third class citizens.

@ToastMcGhost No it isn't. How are muslims doing it in Europe and in America?

Creating an insular community is very very easy to do with the right amount of numbers.

@ToastMcGhost Are white women willingly handed over their rights to muslim men in the Uk?

@no u Traps aren't 100% gay.

@frugalcasper Are the amish called racist for taking women's rights away?

Tarps look like females which is why gay guys don't fuck them.

@frugalcasper Modern day Christians aren't christians though.

Fucking traps makes you bisexual, not gay.

@frugalcasper If white men took white women's rights away, who would call them racist?

@frugalcasper Who's "domesticating" white men?

Trying to deceive women is dumb.

Just take their rights away without talking to them about it.

Ddj was always an mra/pua.

Ddj always allowed women to moderate his chat months ago when he first started his youtube channel.

No, western civilization is not worth saving unless you want to save feminism. @shadow007

It's best to be mgtow, find your meaning, be happy then die of old age.

They won't. Muslim men will take Swedish women's rights away for them.

When Sweden falls, so will America and the rest of the world. I have no issue with the west dying though so I hope the muslims enjoy the west.

We fucked up and we're unwilling to change so fuck it.

We could do what the muslims are doing and win or we can keep doing what we're doing now and die.

Well, we're going to die with our high IQs.

Mgtow will never reach critical mass.

We see white women surrendering their rights to men already, just not to western men.

Mgtow can't do that but the west is filled with hundreds of millions of men who could. They won't though.

Feminism is western civilization.

Future generations won't have anime since Japan is dying. That's the saddest part.

All religions are tribalistic except Buddhism.

Why do you think so many versions of Christianity exist?

Tribalism is part of human/male nature and will always exist.

Incels want women to love them too. The issue is that unless that woman has a penis, she'll never love you.

It is what it is.

The term incel makes no logical sense but people aren't logical so... @Sickswing

Pumping and dumping average looking girls is fine but you can't pump and dump extremely attractive girl unless you have money.

@thadeal4real I know for a fact you're not pumping and dumping 10/10 18 year olds.

@thadeal4real You don't "work on" girls you're pumping and dumping.

The best thing to do is date traps if you're bisexual or get a doll if you're straight.

@dirtysouthconsious What's your definition of a pedophile?

The term pedophile gets thrown around way too much and it usually doesn't apply.

Pedophile is the new racism and sexism.

Most traps aren't hot but they're better than western women.

@dirtysouthconsious All I'm saying is that most of the time, the term pedophile is incorrectly used just like racism and fascism is. It's annoying because people just thrown the term around to ruin each others lives.

The issue with rich guys is that they're too rich to feel the hurt of the divorce courts.

They'll never have to live out of their cars because of child support and alimony.

@Sickswing Pedophile is the sexual attraction to prepubescent children Girls start puberty at 10/11.

I've seen people call guys who fuck girls in their late teens "pedophiles" when they're literally not.

There was a popular video accusing men of being pedophile because men like young, innocent girls. It was called "born sexy yesterday".

I mean, youtube bans them but the right bans shit they don't like as well so... @dirtysouthconsious

Both sides don't believe in freedom of speech so why complain? Look what gab did with the lolis.

I agree but we can't just act like the left is doing all of the censorship.

The right wants to ban porn, sex dolls, hentai, loli, shota, child like sex dolls, islam, etc.

I remember listening to some tradcons who wanted to ban Islam. Like, how can you believe in freedom of speech and religion while wanting to ban a religion?

@torresjrjr Should be ban religion while believing in freedom of religion?

If we should, then don't claim to support freedom.

Making fun of the UK is dumb since America now has no-go zones.

@Xychotic Yep. In New York. Tfm did a news article about it.

There's muslim patrols.

@dirtysouthconsious Not as long as women vote.

Religion is needed for dumb people to find meaning in their lives.

It works though.

There's a reason Islam WILL win.

The major ones are though. @Happy Humble Hermit Buddhism isn't but that's the most unique major religion.

I like Islam more than Christianity but it's still a religion and religions are retarded.

I like Islam more because Islam is working while Christianity is dead. I like what works.

I don't care how good Christianity was 1000 years ago, it isn't working now.

@Vinnie Reformations is why Christianity is dead.

In 20 years when most European white women are wearing Hijabs, we'll see if it's really dying.

They throw feminists in prison while we elect them into office.

Why save the west when western values are communism and feminism?

Saving the west is the same as saving feminism so let the west burn.

The viking were illiterate barbarians. They were cool though.

The best men from history were the western, asian and islamic philosophers.

A group of male dolphins forcing themselves on a female dolphin is just normal sex for them.




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