
Discord ID: 360384791675273236

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@Rhunespire Which Final Fantasy games do you like? The only one I've tried is FF IX. It's a beautiful game in many ways but in the end there were too many aspects that I found a bit cheesy. Including the combat animations. Also the main character is the definition of Blue Pilled.

I've heard FF6 is the best. I need to get my head around the retro pixel graphics though.

I forgot I have played FXVI pocket edition. I did enjoy it. I wasn't prepared for how the story became a tragedy of epic proportions.

@Xychotic I've no idea what you're talking about. So you're going to ban me?

@Xychotic I meant FF the one that starts with the roadtrip and the characters look like a boyband.

Yes, you are right. That was FF15. My mistake

When FF15 reached it's finale, I was thinking.. what the fuck is this? What the hell is going on? It was epic on an unprecedented scale but I was totally confused. I had to watch a few YT videos to work out what had transpired.

I thought Noctus sacrificed his life and entered the spiritual realm where he was able to confront his nemesis.

And he reunited with his true love in the afterlife.

I thought the voice actress for luna did a good job.

Some of the initial dialogue between the male leads was a bit cheesy. So when the story suddenly became serious, it felt like a drastic shift in tone

I thought the campfire scene at the end was very well done though. Rarely have I been so touched by just a few simple words of dialogue.

@LOGICWINS I agree. I'm too scared to have sex these days. It's hard to have sex with a woman without giving her the power to destroy your life if she wishes.

Sex dolls are the safest option, but I've never seriously considered getting one. Maybe if I was 21 again I would get one.

@YuriBezmenov Someone got charged with assault for putting horseradish sauce in his used condom which his girlfriend promptly stuck up her pussy.

@YuriBezmenov I'm sure you can find it on the internet. TFM has also mentioned it.

@YuriBezmenov Google "horseradish condom assault"

@Whats gay anymore I used to like BJ's because I can't feel much with vaginal sex when I'm wearing a condom. But if I need to use a condom for BJ out of fear of sperm-jacking... well I'd rather not bother.

@YuriBezmenov I've been Googling but I can't find the article. TFM definitely mentioned it on his show. If I find it later I will message you the link.

I thought The Wire was amazing. Are there any animes that can match the depth of the Wire?

@Xychotic If anime is not meant for adult audiences maybe I'm not missing anything by not watching it then.

I like shows that tackle adult themes. I like shows that tackle the kind of themes you might get by reading Sun Tzu or Robert Greene.

<@571082322951143446> I saw The Wire too long ago to remember. Maybe the season about politics, or the one about the schooling system, or the one about media... Sorry, too long ago.

@Happy Humble Hermit A lot of Robert Greene's writings are anticipated by Sun Tzu - especially 33 Strategies of War

<@571082322951143446> I really liked Idris Elba's portrayal of Stringer Bell. I thought it was as good as Marlon Brando's portrayal of the Godfather. So understated but full of intelligence and implied menace.

@Happy Humble Hermit I don't think Robert Greene would deny that Sun Tzu came up with these strategies first. In fact he says so explicitly. Anyway if you're trying to argue Sun Tzu > Robert Greene I agree. No argument here.

The only anime I remember seeing are Akira and Ghost in the Shell. Both were excellent and did deal with adult themes very well.

@MoonCore Go on the ex-muslim subreddit. I'm sure they'll be sympathetic and offer good advice.

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