MindSlayer MGTOW

Discord ID: 517032555355045892

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I haven't watched anime since me and Bleach had a falling out

whats good now a days?

@JDB I saw you're into programming, what languages do you use?

I've really wanted to get into web scraping There's alot of data I want from public government sites but I'm not sure of the legality of what I want to do

dude that'd be amazing

no I use visual studio community but I'm always down for learning new things

its a free compiler for c++, VB.net, ASP, Azure, and lots of other languages even languages for moblie apps

I use MySql work bench for back end databases

I mainly work in Vb.net

VBA is similar to VB.net

dude work bench is amazing

difficult lol

with VB.net it gives leads i suppose to what the string you writing can do C++ does not

its really close to the machine code so its reall hard to read write and debug

lol I'm not great with C++ at all

Yea I do

I do alot of programming lol, I want to get into Metal work like forging, weilding, and casting

Raspberry pi's look fun as hell

I saw a rig where a guy had a bunch of raspberry pi's in series and was using them to mine bitcoin

Thats a big project

how far along are you?

So the projects done then?

that's awesome cause we can't lose mgtow content

we've come way to far to have to start over

what the best way to copy a youtibe video?

I don't think its that simple there are ways but I can't find any freeware to do it

I used to have software for that but I had a crash and didn't back my installation files

you said you like sparing?

So what's happened that would cause fighting?

can anyone link me to TFM I'd like to know what's going on

was ddj being intentionally malicious with what he left out?

Itโ€™s Hebrew for bad dog

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