
Discord ID: 506421939246727170

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Women can make me nut

Yeet ur meat to skeet on 2d teets

Like 50

75% soyboys


Imma nut to that emote

What website are you getting this off of

Lmao yeet

Oh lmfao

I love how the ss has a video playing

I do the same

Just get a sex doll

There are women in tfm's server?

Parasites everywhere

Had a gf before mgtow
She was so fucking retarded that it would take her 5 mins to even think up of how to give an answer that would mirror me

You would be top dumb to grt bor3d

Thats how she was

Nigger history month ffs

Can we get china to get more male population to drive the sex doll and artifical womb industry

Cuz rap is for niggers

If you like rap then listen to it yeet

Hell yeah. Most of the rap i hear is blasted through my nigger friends car and its always about sex and money

Im just like lol

I got used to it, my nigger friend is fun to be around

Why not both


This is great

Same havent heard of it

What pagan are yoy

Never talked to a pagan before

I have not, ill look it up

Sorry for your loss

Ill get off on a train

Shove a redpill up thier ass

What do ur bluepills friends say

Thats love right there

Hit hard and fades fast leaving u in a broken marriage



Can i be all the colors of the pill rainboe

Lmfao shes pregnant

10000% pregbant

50% from another man

Just learn to code

Its a real thing lmfao

@The-Free-Monk howd u stop being a libtard

He said sharia style

Not sharia

Why not

Lmfao you sound like a woman

*trap card is now erect*

Fuck are thoze

Im retarded

Shes a thot

M8 just pump and dump

Xychptic some people learn the hard way

258 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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