BOSS ビッグボス

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Who knows

That humans are energy, but he said we aren't energy.

You just said we wont run out of energy, I never said the state or the planet or humans harnessing of enrgy

That doesn't dispute the fact that all humans die just like a star does or a super nova. Literally all I was saying, but you were just like no we aren't no we arent. Define consciousness then.

I didn't dismiss energy or history of the origin of energy.

You started talking about how we just KNOW what the systems of operation are of the creation and death of stars

We don't!

Giving it a language and our understanding of it, does not give the actual event a true sense of what it truly is in nature. Nature isn't our understanding of it.

Are we or aren't we nature, we are the only thing in the univers THAT WE KNOW OF that is able to give a language to the origin of the universe and how it operates.

So why is consciousness not a part of reality, which WAS disputed.

or rather a reality that we CREATED

We didn't choose to think.

We are born with an ability to try and understand the world without anything asking us to.

Understanding stars brought humans to the REALITY of CREATING nuclear weapons. Regardless of good or bad or what is or isnt. Energy was spent to bring utter destruction to the only place that we know of that can experience the universe.

Dark energy is a strange concept. Don't we have a form of dark matter inside of us?

Oh it's a hypothetical concept

Exactly, why are we created if we would just end up finding a way to destroy ourselves lol

That's why I think consciousness literally helps expand the universe.

That's why I said what I did, that consciousness is reality because everything outside of it is just the unknown, it exists probably, like dark matter, but the realness of it is relative to our understanding of it.

But he got all butt hurt on why fission is real no matter what we have science that understands it, like we didn't create the scientific method

I was asking questions to things and I guess it was exhausting and it was ad nauseum for him to continue, because science is now it's own being, a partner in crime with nature.

Math formula for emotion would be nice

Like instinct, that exists regardless of humanity, but what is it? Does science explain instinct?

Yep, and anthropology, which is religious to say the least, I love the pyramid drawings



It's like inverted into it's own dimension.

Jesus we measured it? That is really impressive, to get a blip on the meter like that.

haha Im here, I just left a second

And yet, it's just a construction of a model that we as humans are able to understand and give a formula to or attempt to.

I think we are the important piece and we need more love in the world, it will lead us to more answers and more questions, the nature of human life.

You really don't think love brought humans to want to understand the world. Yeah you are the fool lol.

It's a chemical, thoughts are a part of nuerotransmitters, that also sends out energy.

Inside and outside.

Science is the understanding of love, to understand ourselves and others. The results are subjective. What an asshole.

People see ending humanity is love so, fuck it.

Morality isn't real.

Thinking is for losers anyway right. Just end the planet becuase it doesn't mean anything anyway right?

This guy calling me a shithead.

Because he doesn't understand what language even is.

Beyond linguistics.

What is war. Is it love? Is it peace? Is it Hell? What is it? It's real, but it's part of nature since humans are beings of nature.

So I guess science explains why this conflict exists then, so we can just move past it right?

We can just gloss over it because since all things are nature and it has it's own agenda, we should just sit idly reading up on linguistics so we can understand why our sun wont black out.

Just lie in the sun and live forever!

No one is standing around telling people why humans are not a part of objective reality.

Can science explain the intricacies of the human brain?

Humans living in nature is THE THING

Exactly, is it our perogotive to make sure we secure an existence? That is the root of all ideological complexes.

For the future^^^

Human existence is where the pedal meets the metal.

If we survive...then for what exactly? To continue to think?

About our next generational existence?

Look who is trying to grab OUR CURRENT existence? Very evil people.

They are stealing our current reality to create their next reality for tomorrow.

Media heads, corporation heads, secret societies, who knows, they are individuals who are a part of a hidden collective. It's eerie, but much of our government has very shady interests in controlling people and wealth.

That's in 1984

Power is claimed for the purpose of holding power. Our current existence in this moment is what they are trying to control.

Only one way to find out, that's why it's important we talk to other humans, to check in on the nature of our culture and our subconscious godhead

Us using computers already makes us part cyborg

They want to control the galaxy in the sense that they want to silence you online, in the papers, on your phone, and eventually they will come directly for your brain. The true universe.

Net neutrality for one.

The state of our media.

The laws being written for infants.

College courses directed towards marxist ideology

Youtube censorship

Facebook stealing your info

Alexa listening to you always.

These people sprung from no where

What if they literally make these people and cloning is kept secret

This is has been being put into place a long time ago. They now have 100+ million people who trust these people who came from the bottom

They literally use scientists in order to push political agenda.

They control language, they control it's meaning. It's newspeak

Doublethink has transcended.

Hate groups and language really should be allowed, but they write the guidelines. How can you truly define hate. Nobody is calling for violence or genocide. Facts are now considered hate if a white person says it.

It's doublthink on many levels.

Living your life for yourself is the most important thing, your spirit being free is the best war to fight.

We will soon be able to record everything humanity does and think on a certain level and then measure the effects certain thoughts, feelings, and actions have on objective reality.

It will become more complex than what they already do. Billionaires will spend money in order to find our ticks. They already know indeed, I agree, but it will take a little while before we are all indoctrinated to when we don't even know and more comprehensive, unless we truly already are there and it's kept hidden.

Where a certain message or code or thought is implanted into you in order for you to buy or kill or feel a certain way.

Fucking fb

Really something.

The normie uprising

Wealth extraction, we are fucking cattle it's sad.

Outlaws in the wild west hated civilization.

Saw it as evil. RDR2 really made me think differently. What's that from?

It's interesting because being anti-male is almost programmed into people as being a normal mode of operating in society

They know that parenting affects children in a myriad of ways.

The facial recognition system is scary.

I think tech is just behind what government has known but tried to use only for their own interests.

That AI shit is scary

I don't think it will become self aware but...


Think about how money will change.

Our labor will be extracted for the things we buy.

But who then controls your ID internet monies?


I think we will reject it collectively somehow and we will revert back to egyptian pyramid empires

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