BOSS ビッグボス

Discord ID: 417187930243858438

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I have all four that are starting to hurt almost constantly. I am just lazy and dont want to schedule a surgeon to do it.

An oral surgeon.

They can become compacted and cause infections meaning you might have to take antibiotics

but its all individual to the size of them

They aren't needed.

I love all of these articles being posted today trying to make concessions but still talking down to men about how bad maga hats are.

tru feels good

Im tuned in and dropping out

Just wait, they just ACHE

mine sometimes sends pulsating pain down my gums and into my jaw pivot w/e you call that

Someone put a waifu on the new wall when its built

They could have fed you coke as a baby and you wouldn't have any teeth to start with.

Not sure if we will have another shoe throwing incident.

Trump in all honesty can be a bit long winded but so many gems can be found.

In all honesty even if he is fucking things up, it would have been inevitable, he can't control the world, it will go in any direction people take it to.

Ten miles of concrete thick

We will be outnumbered soon no matter what.

It's grim, but probably true

But the thing is the US is so powerful, the only next move is nation emergency and then all whites just go into breeding/bomb shelters

best hope

but then guess who will be killing us while that shit hits the fan

all the brain washed normies

My guess if we did do that, it would be a shill, the numales would be jumping on that.

The numales will breed out the non soys

Full NatSoc

A dictator that you could bend an ear to.

So many muslim women where's the muslim men

The irony that if we instate sharia law

we might get what we wanted all along, sand people arent too bad

The sands can be controlled for the labor.

They built the pyramids.

They can have their god in the sand and praise it while we control the planet with their oil.

thats pretty funny

hard to be whoke

Ability would be highly subjective.

Like the ability to create artificial wombs and create humans that is the definition of eugenics.

Make personal army

I really started to test out talking with women and how they communicate and just hearing mgtow philosophy being spoken, helps you truly understand how little these women think deeply about issues. They literally always end up talking about themselves or how they feel about something. It's hilarious, and when you know this, you become even more aware of the mental gymnastics they are playing to demean you and lower your status and waste your time.

I don't know if it's better to become somewhat rich or not pay much into taxes at all.

Make a statement you cracker ass motherfuckers

That's probably how it already is

You don't think the people who take political science and have lived to 40 have skin in the game?

Well, yeah thats what they do, it's what the handlers want

They know this is inevitable.

Their will always be a state and then society.

If we make it 500 more years, it will be Ghost in the shell.

damn if I live for 80 or so more years...


Best SOTU ever

God Bless President Trump holy shit the libs got owned, the muslim girl was crying LOL

saw an ad for frontier, looks sexi

Time is almost meant to be wasted.

Time is our mind's metric for understanding the outside world in an understandable language.

Lift my spirit up!

Consciousness is reality essentially

Reality has no meaning without humans.

It just is, we are the analog as to realize itself as a thing.

It's absurd to assume that nuclear weapons are a part of reality without humans for example. The physical or natural realm is what it is without humans regardless, what we do is manipulate and configure things in order for us to further our understanding of what actually is.

So the origin of the sun is the automatic question one must answer then.

So how do super novas form

I never claimed anything didn't exist

So why would it do something like that?

How can we know?

Why bother knowing if it just is regardless of our understanding of physics

If it exists and humans aren't real then does it exist still? What does it become then?

We are literally running out of fuel just like a star.

We can refuel lol

How are we not

That doesn't mean things dont die

I made the claim of human individuals run out of fuel it's a fact of life and is recycled

Just like stars

yes, well I am now

I said humans

You assumed that

Societies run out of fuel as well

We as humans

use energy

and run out

Cells die

Define fuel

What makes you think humans will be around for the rest of the life of the earth or the universe

It acts in its own way, so therefore it's irrelevant to ponder what the universes next plan is.

Then why is our plan for it important?

Sure we do lol

Yes we control nature

We are aborting children so I guess we do

Then it's in the best interest of humans to follow nature?

I thought we controlled it, unless we control humans which we do.

But I thought we don't run out of fuel

Humanity has unlimited source of fuel?

From the sun?

So you manipulate energy in order to fulfill your own needs?

You misrepresented mine

Obliterated to what. You made no claim.

You just tried to dismantle mine.

To what exactly?

What analysis or evidence.

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