Tommy WizOh

Discord ID: 330451913025781760

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Don't tell me these things. Bacon is delicious.

Kaz all women are damaged. The only difference is that some do not get into a situation where you can see the damage affect them or the world around them.

Not low enough for my attention or effort.

Oh... to fuck? That's different than a relationship.

To fuck, for me, if she looks good and is clean. And doesn't know where I live she's good enough to fuck... one time. Maybe two.

That is one time. One long time.

A proper session.


He is celibate because he can't find a woman good enough to connect with.

Oh no... pure simp. lol

He said he had a woman before... but it wasn't working out. No connection. Wants that connection.

So women will fuck him. But not the high SMV women he wants. Thats the "chemistry" he is talking about I think.

I think maybe he will try PUA and then get burned and come back to mgtow.

VC? What is?

How do I do that?

Never tried this discord before.


I muted because my guitar is plugged in right now... that's about as far as I got.

Phantom power on the mixer is fucked though so mic is done. Until that UPS guy shows up.

Who is caller? More of this guy.

HHH,... you still awake?

Is it cool to post links to other mgtow content here? Found a good one.

I drop it in here for now. If it's ... let's call it less than desirable at this time for any reason let me know.

youtube (slash) watch?v=ysfLNXHT4RY

"MGTOW is a SOCIAL nuclear device.

I've also sent a man Knoself your way. He's very small channel with very positive content. I'm hoping he will call in some time soon. I think he has much to share as well... younger dude... probably around your age.


Termer... just saying hello.

@Happy Humble Hermit Do the review on the woman and her book. Say a fake name and a fake book. Call it a thot experiment that is not based on a real person at all

Do the South Park disclaimer.

Bob... beyond that celibacy is not required by any measure to be mgtow.

75%? Are you sure? That's like... a fuckin sewer is safer than that.

No... it's cool. Thanks thought.

MRA haven't done shit. If anything they have been so incredibly ineffective that it's helped the feminists.

Karen is basically half the MRAs in terms of getting the msg out to people who would or could make any difference. She carries the MRA team.

Most MRA aren't really MRA ... more like MRI... Men's Rights In-activists. They just bitch and moan like the rest of us only they pretend it helps.

Karen is married to a man I think.

If not married LTR

Bob... .the appeal is for trad-cucks that like women who man up for their rights.

Aye... he is working on something, will be uploaded in some days or weeks maybe.

God is a fairy tale... let's move past magical thinking.

You are asking why we don't reason with women, basically? Its not possible.

Women only care about one thing and thats a bigger better deal. That is all.

The best course of action is to withdrawl support from the foundational structures that prop them up... then let entropy do it's thing.


Once we stop doing all the work, they will not handle reality. The problem isn't the women... it's the simps.

The simps will bail out women every time. Too fucking cucked to live and too thristy to die.

Absent the simps, we would change everything in a week,

Beyond that... there isn't anything we want. Nothing will ever be fixed, and that is fine.

The thing is there is no one to follow.

We are going our own ways.... all of us.

Dude... that is the way. 1.25 speed then increase to 1.5.

Max comfortable speed is 1.78-1.85 for me depending on speaker. But I do it on VLC so it doesn't pitch shift.

Yeah... 2x is a BIT fast.... 1.85 is max comfortable level I think.

Yeah... video software thing. Youhave to download the video and open it with that...

Not sure it can do streams from youtube.

I don't know....never thought about it. I just download when I use it.

I mostly do it for tutorials or educational programs.

I find the harder it is to understand the most you will absorb on high speed because you must LISTEN and you have no time to be like 'huh I don't get it'.... also that kind of shit you have to watch 2-3 times at least. That's what it's best for.

Closest thing to download info directly to the brain that I can think of.

I've tried the speed reading where it feeds you words... can do busts of 1000wpm but it's fucking rough and its not very effective.

metan... I'm actually with you on that. I want to do this shit in real life.

I would, if I could just open a monastery.

See that's the thing. I don't want a subservient woman or populace. I want them to come up to our level.

I understand.... but the goal isn't what I would want. I'm all for hearing it though.

You cannot be mgtow and live with a woman. That doesn't make sense.

Having cake and eating too is impossible. once you eat it you can't have it because it's gone.

Please do.

Tell us the idea already.

Ok... with ya so far.

So... become Ukranian, sloppily abort daughters... ok... Not seeing the mgtow angle just yet.

I support cloning. Cool.

Zodd... I think he likes you.

Ok, now I'm a little interested.

What labs are doing this work? Or how do you know of it?

Welll... so far it's all good. A viable alternative to artifical wombs to tie us over until we can get the post wallers and the trannys to get the tech off the ground. Seems reasonable in theory so far, honestly.

Ok... doesnt' matter about the woman, she is on contract right? So she is an object a biological artifical womb. Ok... then what?

You aren't fucking dating here... or fucking her. Its all done in a lab... right? That is what we are talking about here?

Ok... hold on... does she think I am dating her? Or is she doing a job?

When you say Surrogacy I'm thinking it's a legally binding business contract.

Where she has to eat what she is told and do what she is told for 9 months. I don't stick my dick in her.... we do the jerk off + turkey baster.

Ok... so how is this plan different than me just going to Ukrane, dating a bitch.... knocking her up and then taking off with the kid later?

The fucking turkey baster.

What is this bacon here?

Who am I telling this story to and why?

When you say surrogacy here... it's a business contract. She doesn't think you like her, you aren't sticking your dick in her. They take a sperm and egg and then mix and put it in her. There is no sex. That is surrogacy. Maybe that is where we are getting confused here.

I'm with Bob. Why not just adopt 12 kids than?

Way faster.

Memetics make mgtow not genetics. I get most care about that... but I don't.

And I'm with Frodo on the not wanting to make more suffering.

It can work for some men that want that. Sure. Like 0.000001% of all mgtow.

How much does this cost?

How many mgtow want children and don't already have them?

That is true.

If you want a kid, that is probably the best way to go.

Fair enough. But not many want this.

I don't want to have a kid, if I were to raise a boy to be a good man going his own way, I would just find one that has already been discarded and make him whole.

I don't see it that way. The young man is his own person. I'm only there to guide him.

Heritage doesn't matter that much to me. If it did I would be taking over Transylvania right now ... taking back my home lands with force. DNA is meaningless to me personally.

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