
Discord ID: 501529498236354560

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well - unless you want to count rome and winning / earning freedom


gives your dick rubber rash


over rated but shes not bad by any means

I'm not sure if he's a sellout i mean.. selling out would mean he had to be authentic in the first place..


too true @ToastMcGhost

yeah a lot of these really dumb songs are written by lots of ppl, but the design is just for commercial success

which hey.. works, otherwise it wouldn't have been done

your $ back? lol

- stripers and the likes I find you can often be pretty damn straight with, though i'd never date one

I think most would ride the wave that favors them, unless they're made to realize the full long term consequence of that wave crashing

though.. the short term appeal can still be overwhelming

i'd say most women, even if red pilled wouldn't fight what systems favor them

perhaps until there is a male in their life being drastically impacted

- could be a son, fucked over father, etc

I dunno man.. fast and furious.. pretty realistic.. I mean when the floorboards fall out..

I can relate, I had a shitty experience with videos / photos from my 20's including ex gf's doing good things.. had all the data on an external, just moved into a nice new apartment - started copying over to my new pc. got up to cook some food while waiting for the transfer - tripped over the cable, the hd went flying and shattered into pieces as it hit my kitchen benchtop propelling into the hard floor..

most of all I lost most the photos of my race car builds, still have some but only a handful ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

funny about the explorer hide- that's pretty good !

You guys hear about Neil Degrass Tyson? Kavanaugh remix

hey whattup

trying to get an old laptop all fixed up so i can use it as an render box

what sort of articles?

Out of all the alternatives to Youtube, which do you guys prefer most / see most potential in?


not bad, just working on a backlog of music I have to release


that dude has some decent vids.. but when he decides to interview himself.. not so much


watching alex's vid you linked now - i'm tempted to dislike just for his shitty pronunciation of MGTOW

@The woken child yeah too true

@Happy Humble Hermit does that mean you're pro polio ? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

haha 9/10 dads suck

@Happy Humble Hermit if you need some music for the game you're working on let me know ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


2019-02-18 23:28:23 UTC [Subverse #new-member-alert]  

2019-02-18 23:29:17 UTC [Subverse #bot-commands]  


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