Jive the Space Shield.

Discord ID: 394423969517797377

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wassup people

huge fan ^^

Just been chilling in a VC on another server, was just kicked though

Not since I was trolling, to prove their role had kick powers

was pretty sad

oh hey its the nigger who kicked me @Not in the fbi

I didnt get the msg

major yoinkers

what is t series

like what is the content type

***concern for shadowlessnexus ***

oh shit I cant change my nickname

hundreds of men realize it every day, I assume alot dont know about MGTOW though

so they keep to themselves

no clue on the exact number n that

emu is the main character from kamen rider ex-aid, I would send pictures but for obvious reasons I cannot

It was a stalemate.

We stopped fighting the war

and just got better fences

sure we gave up the war

but we won in the end

by having a wall

see walls work 100% of the time ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Thought it was the funding?

well I'll have to re-search it more

I'm not a real history buff

Trampling I would assume is the course of death

the same as thousands of any animal running over people

fucking pests

rats as well

technically homeless and starting a mgtow youtube channel on the streets

I've always been a MGTOW just didnt know that a name existed for it

how can I get a role to change my nickname?

but I dont have an asshole

<:608:480186137164382208> we all know femanons just have two vagins cum on bros

tfm show huh, never caught it before but my best mate is a crazy fucking fan

he talked about one time he was noticed for like a full month

@TruceAU I dont consent to your pronouns.

wtf why are the police at my door now

this will be getting in my mgtow video I release after my 34 years in prison

what if I get one of those in prison sex changes?

fool if I become trans 20 or so years in I bet trans people are immune to the law

all good mate

I'm saying like

the Fate/Kaleid movie

I'm a newcomer I guess

sounds like cancer

I just hate women and dont give 2 fucks

Honestly I dont hate em

just the majority

I've met some cool chicks

that arent fucked

I'm to indifferent in life

I get yelled at alot for indifference

by fucking WOMEN

I mainly dont fucking care

I dropped out early

Was a light 5

@Happy Humble Hermit Not gonna lie I joined this server not knowing who you are but your content is actually fucking good, like god damn thank fortis for finding me another cool channel to sub to

No actually

One of your admins just mentioned the server on Drama Magnet

Drama Magnet is RGEs server

RGE is a cool nigoid

Found him ages ago, forgot he existed till my overly red pilled young friend screamed at me with his content

Women have ruined my life, moms fucked me over and we're on the streets, sleeping in the car or couch surfing

I have little cash, most I can get is probs $30 change

I have an old dusty broken blue yeti

the a-male to mini b is broken I believe

do I spend money getting proper cords,

and just become a totally fucking woke homeless mgtow channel?

Hey friends how do I cleanse my mind of women?

I have realized this but when I sleep I cant control my mind, its killing me

@Hotfirex My really cute childhood crush, who I asked out but was a mangina and removed mself from contact before getting anywhere

I need this, I feel I may contact the thot and take her to lunch or something

I gotta stop myself

I've attacked NPCs but no clue what PNC is

I see so like

take her out

make her pay

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