
Discord ID: 162790368981680128

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Y'all suck at mining

ur mum gay

bring back hentai channel

i need to spam

>trump discord

Sorry, did you mean **m u t t** central?

AKA Faggots

Boomers will never understand /mg/

you're a brony

Your opinion is invalid

Although here's the thing.

These idiots are-

Like, everyone fear mongers and whatnot, you go fucking outside into the real world, none of this shit is happening. Everyone is normal, not everyone talks about politics because reasons, and how often those politics outbreaks or liberals decide to screech in public is pretty fucking rare.

@Loochino Anonymous has been dead from 2007

Those fat fucks are namefags rather than anonymous, although being a namefag is more anonymous than before lmfao

considering people use fake identities online

including myself

This is pretty funny

I'm Russian

My grandfather grew up in Russia and was a kgb agent

alright, so former kgb?

cause he pretty much left after 1991

he didnt have much of a choice

funny thing is

he's the nicest person ever

And he thought me some things he did that were illegal at the time

Sewing, survival, and basic house work

The only thing my grandfather/parents would complain about America is no nationalist militia or honor in country

I honestly can't blame them for saying that.

They hate how American kids are pussies too, well, even though I grew in South LA

That's not a glock


** S T O P **

Alex Jones has degrades over the years

Similar to TCR Ghost

except Ghost is a faggot now.

plus, now he's actually asking for money.

I remember being in his inner circle

I got kicked out for praising him

Then he expected me to apologize

I'm thinking ghost is legitimately a jew

they're blaming us for doing the right thing and exposing them for what they are.

Media is on a suicide watch

*brrm* BRRRRM* *WWWHWHHHHHHHHHHR* *ACDC starts blaring*, whoah champ you're still in bed?!?!? But it's 10 AM already. You know your mother says you spend too much time on the computer games. You know what my philosiphy is? WHo needs the computer games when you got the great outdoors, a cold beer in your hands and the pungent hot smell of gasoline in your nose. *Cracks open Monster Zero Ultra*. *SSSSIIIIIIIP* AHHHH. That first sip of the day champ I tell you what, a real life saver. Now listen buddy I want you to go march to the livingroom and help your mother with the chores, it's saturday afterall. *Upens up grill* *Starts grilling 'dogs and hamburgers on the coals while mowing the lawn* *sipps from the monster zero ultra* Yeaaap. Quake 3 was a good game.



it's a joke

We were /pol/ which we had 5000 members back in 2016

Bigkk was an idiot got himself banned from discord

After Charlotteville

Implying this server isn't the Donald

It's a Facebook group lmao

I've been on the internet from 2003. I don't like Nazis or commies

They're both spergs

@Deleted User it was called /news/ originally

If you knew that

Then they had to make /pol/ to contain autism

Yes and no

the true party is the libertarian, but you know it's a joke

We desperately need another Ron Paul

Conservatism is a joke when you've got kikes in power

Support MUH Israel

42 senators have dual citizenship with Israel


The absolute state of Democrats.

You know what's more funny.

China lost the trade war against US

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