
Discord ID: 125754864373465088

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2018-08-09 00:18:55 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I could also argue that the US Consensus should have a link, since I doubt anyone has a physical version of that thing to be a source.

2018-08-09 14:04:00 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

It's more of a matter of reference, like when you have to declare the movement (or lack thereof) between two points in space. We know good because we know evil, and we don't know evil without being good. Without one, the other would be an empty concept of "be".

2018-08-09 22:37:51 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Rain is the absence (somewhat) of pressure on a region, and yet that absence is something that possesses a consequence that is vital for nearly every plant.

2018-08-09 22:39:11 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

The winds are also caused by said lower pressure, which help carry the microscopic entities to other places.

2018-08-09 22:40:46 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Regarding cold and heat, an excess of both is equally harmful, yet a balance makes for a very pleasing ambient for people to live in. I don't know anyone that didn't enjoy standing under a tree in a day with that one perfect temperature and a bit of wind, taking a deep breath.

2018-08-09 22:41:56 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Even if by relation, I can't not consider them things by themselves.

2018-08-11 01:01:01 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

People will inevitably take different paths to reach the same or similar goals.

2018-08-11 01:01:56 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

It is like a fingerprint or our DNA, it's the little individual differences that make people people.

2018-08-11 01:03:12 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

You may use a small blowtorch to melt iron, but you might not be able to use it to melt tungsten. However, the end goal would be to melt both, for which you use different temperatures and, consequently, different ways.

2018-08-11 01:05:12 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

People can call themselves whatever they want, anyway. The actions will be what defines their true alignment.

2018-08-11 01:36:57 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Depending on what they stand for, it actually could be.

2018-08-11 16:30:29 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Indeed, consistency and standardizing helps a lot in having an actual idea of what is what and what isn't what.

2018-08-11 16:31:39 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Although the core idea is "just because you call yourself X, it doesn't mean you're X", like those kids that call themselves Communists while not even comprehending the idea behind it.

2018-08-11 16:32:11 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

So they in turn think Communism is simply being against Capitalism and proudly wave a flag which meaning they don't know.

2018-08-11 16:32:38 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Similarly, it can be applied to some people that go around talking about how NatSocโ„ข they are, while they simply hate Jews and nothing else.

2018-08-11 16:32:59 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Although that ends up falling in the consistency and standardizing of the idea too, anyway.

2018-08-11 18:17:57 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I'm not necessarily saying that people should abandon their appearance and turn everything into a shitstorm, just people do call themselves the wrong thing on various occasions and then their actions step in to decide what they stand for, specially with the way people label themselves semi-randomly. What some people saw as an application of Mosley's Fascism, I used to call ethical Capitalism, and then a somewhat undecided Libertarian Right, due to its nature of appearing oppressive and censoring on some aspects, yet fluffy and cute on others. In the end, the closest existing thing to what I believe in so far was Integralism. Out of ignorance, I used to label myself things that weren't actually describing my view.

2018-08-11 18:18:27 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

So here I am, believing in a thing with a probably way too long name.

2018-08-11 22:51:40 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

People like belonging somewhere.

2018-08-11 22:52:37 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

It's a bad sensation when a person feels like they don't fit anywhere. I used to feel a bit like that when pretty much every activity I had interest in wasn't found in my city or was too expensive.

2018-08-15 16:43:57 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  


2018-08-18 23:28:01 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  


2018-08-19 15:14:38 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

We are special people.

2018-08-20 05:04:33 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

me too

2018-08-22 23:28:44 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

minorities and women beware

2018-08-23 02:28:14 UTC [Redpilling Archive #requests]  


2018-08-23 16:07:38 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

mad vegan go away

2018-08-27 19:53:12 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  


2018-08-27 19:55:24 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Most of the people I see complaining about pedophilia link the exact same video that actually goes against what they say it does, so I'm even still a bit skeptical about what is to be considered the "normalization" of it.

2018-08-27 19:55:47 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Although it sure is agreeable that molesting kids is totally not okay in any form.

2018-08-27 20:28:12 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I am not, no. I am not German, and therefore must reject the use of a system made with a foreign country in mind.

2018-08-27 20:35:15 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Indeed, lots of countries adopted a system with the same name. However, mine didn't.

2018-08-27 20:35:59 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  


2018-08-27 20:36:41 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

It is relevant.

2018-08-27 20:38:56 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I'm not saying there can't be Nazis outside Germany. Hell, GLR's party was named after Nazism.

2018-08-27 20:40:41 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I'm as tired of the old one as I am tired of the modern one, honestly.

2018-08-27 20:41:52 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

What matters is stopping the petty conflicts in the name of money.

2018-08-27 20:42:49 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Well, maybe one day we get close to the sun without burning our wings.

2018-08-27 20:44:48 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

>be American
>read SIEGE by James Mason

2018-08-29 23:13:53 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I'd listen to any book that some professional MILF read ๐Ÿ˜ค ๐Ÿ™

2018-08-29 23:16:31 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Sabina Hermanoff reads SIEGE by James Mason ๐Ÿ˜ฉ ๐Ÿ˜ฉ ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

2018-08-29 23:16:58 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

"und vee vill rride zhe taigherr"

2018-08-31 00:25:54 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I'd guess that it's some psychological problem that causes it (duh), which would mean that the problem needs to be analyzed and countered.

2018-08-31 00:28:41 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Although it's probably just an edgy response, the solution is hardly killing them all. It's just going to make things worse.

2018-08-31 01:19:12 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I could say that oftentimes it's a response to other things going on in their lives that seem unrelated at first.

2018-08-31 01:19:38 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I always like to talk about this one time I was under a lot of stress from both army and home, and developed a ghost pain on my leg due to it.

2018-08-31 01:20:26 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

It's one of those weird cases where something weird is caused by something that people won't at all guess on the first try, unless they got a fuckton of experience with such cases.

2018-08-31 01:20:57 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

After I lowered my stress a bit, the pain started to go away, and it's been ages since I felt it.

2018-08-31 03:44:40 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I dunno what a tulpa is. Is it some kind of fancy dog?

2018-08-31 04:18:51 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Oh, I just read a small bit of some stuff on Google. Sounds kinda interesting, although I'm not really sure how real such things are. Like, how real they can be proven to be.

2018-08-31 05:12:53 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I already asked to get me some B A S E D anime emojis here, but they just said my petition was gay and laughed at me

2018-08-31 05:13:21 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

okay, 5'5 is rude

2018-08-31 05:38:14 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Hm, someone *could* make an animated emoji where there's <:jew:356189799620804609>, then a little smoke poof, the <:jew:356189799620804609> is gone and a <:jew:356189799620804609> appears behind the smoke.

2018-08-31 05:38:45 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Although only nitrofags would be able to use it, and supporting Discord is like cheering someone pointing a gun at your right ball, so... yeah.

2018-08-31 05:40:55 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I think I've done it once or twice in 20AD.

2018-08-31 05:41:30 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  


2018-08-31 05:42:13 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

sad reacts only ๐Ÿ˜”

2018-08-31 06:17:09 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

At least God could've made trannies like the ones in my hentai ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

2018-08-31 06:17:28 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

But noooooo, it's always that man jaw and moustache shadow

2018-08-31 06:19:29 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

you just done got dicked by the tranny bruh

2018-08-31 06:19:34 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  


2018-08-31 06:19:36 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  


2018-08-31 06:19:56 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  


2018-08-31 06:20:47 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I was expecting some witty answer like "sorry, I don't speak highest suicide rate" or something

2018-08-31 06:21:54 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Mayhaps girldick isn't a valid biological term

2018-08-31 06:23:35 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Anastasia, isn't it that one super cool metal band?

2018-08-31 06:23:42 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Oh wait, that's **Avantasia**

2018-08-31 06:23:45 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  


2018-08-31 06:26:44 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Ew light theme

2018-08-31 06:29:46 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

That is surely a mystery.

2018-08-31 20:01:27 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

life support but less life

2018-08-31 23:17:54 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

oh no

2018-08-31 23:23:52 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

no sir

2018-09-01 23:51:46 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Yo yo.

2018-09-02 07:00:00 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

It's supposed to be similar to the supply and demand graph, where the intersection point is a "perfection" of sorts.

2018-09-02 07:00:33 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Which is also kinda weird, since it just lays supply as a linear function and demand as another.

2018-09-02 07:00:58 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

It doesn't really say what's on X and what's on Y, although it also isn't too necessary.

2018-09-02 07:01:23 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]

2018-09-02 07:17:47 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Well, materialism and immaterialism don't really have variables, I think.

2018-09-02 07:18:17 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

It's just meant to be a representation of one growing line and one, uh... ungrowing line.

2018-09-02 07:29:49 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Materialism and immaterialism.

2018-09-02 07:29:56 UTC [Redpilling Archive #degeneracy]  


2018-09-02 07:30:09 UTC [Redpilling Archive #degeneracy]  

Just gotta make sure it's your "fate", so to say.

2018-09-02 07:30:34 UTC [Redpilling Archive #degeneracy]  

Some people investing in higher education are often hitting their head against a wall and thinking it's the right thing.

2018-09-02 07:31:24 UTC [Redpilling Archive #your-material]  

The theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner

2018-09-02 09:31:53 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Well, themselves. The image you sent also explains a bit of what's what.

2018-09-02 19:15:54 UTC [Redpilling Archive #degeneracy]  

Ey ey, my deep love for dickgirls, which are super based btw ok, does not prevent me from offering deep Freudian advice to strangers ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

2018-09-02 20:16:24 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

niggas need ta ave the communista manifestito on reading lists nomsayin

2018-09-02 20:30:33 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  


2018-09-03 18:52:59 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

he'll yeah

2018-09-03 19:19:40 UTC [Redpilling Archive #requests]  

Well, a broken person is easy to bend (duh), but surviving the experience is an important lesson.

2018-09-03 22:14:29 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I think helping the problem is kinda counterintuitive.

2018-09-03 23:18:15 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Thanks, I'm here all night

2018-09-05 06:03:15 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Power corrupts people, it's not really surprising for people to dislike certain things that can come with it.

2018-09-05 06:04:22 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

If I understand correctly, a "centralized authority" would be something akin to an asshole dictator, which certainly sounds dangerous.

2018-09-05 06:05:36 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I once heard this one thing that said the hierarchy needs the element of a divine being, since the citizen obeys the law, the law obeys the government and the government obeys the leader, all to keep the order, but who would the leader obey?

2018-09-05 06:08:18 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

BDSM is not one of my kinks, that's for sure

2018-09-05 06:30:54 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I wasn't

2018-09-05 06:30:59 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

Never tie me up, please

2018-09-05 06:31:10 UTC [Redpilling Archive #general-chat]  

I have, uh

824 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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