Hello Bois, it's Demons

Discord ID: 448723316241596416

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Ayyyy I'm new here!


Don't worry, I am the boi with demons


Y'all are demons

And I am *the boi*

Sounds about right

*sounds about right*

In this, we see a boy in his natural habitat, talking about boners and video games....which is not a bad way to spend your mornings btw

How dare

I am *this many old!*

If it is, I'm immediately going for the Mad Max approach the moment everything starts going south

Thats right mfs

*leather thongs and playing guitar on the back of a monster truck*

I'm sorry dude dogs are literally the best things ever 3:

'Ello everybody I somehow managed to stay healthy but gained bug bites on my buttcheek

A ying to every yang

Yer girl is still uninfected everybody

Lets see how long that lasts

I'm vomiting so either means I have food poisoning

Or I am pregnant with the messiah

Its a close tie

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