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2020-03-04 01:17:40 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  


I have a story

I called a coworker of mine on my way home from work today. She said her brother in law was diagnosed with Covid19 today

I asked her about it. She said he had a fever in Sunday. Then they called the dr monday cause he had a headache and a dry cough. Kaiser Permanente told him to meditate in a dark room until it was gone.

Fever continued for a few days, then the cough got worse, fever broke on thursday. They called the dr every day asking what they should do.

Today his primary care dr called him, said, "well, you have all of the symptoms, we dont have tests, so I'm going to diagnose you with Covid19 and stay quarantined for 14 days."

No test. No proof. Nothing.

Hes one of the new cases in san fran.

This is a hoax. These people need to see a judge in a military tribunal.

I had the same thing in December, like hundreds of thousands of Americans.

One would hope.

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