Maggie The Magpie

Discord ID: 471203864276762625

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At least, not a food garden

If gonna get agricultural, I'll need to clear more land

Ultimately, I'd like my yard to be one huge permaculture setup

And hopefully shady enough to have a real moss lawn

Bugs are awesome

Ah, they're nothing

I have the world's deadliest spider hanging about

And orb weavers are generally not harmful to us

Look man, you said it. I took it with a grain of salt

Genetics is proving the linguists correct. I can't take your word saying otherwise without tangible evidence

The higher castes have Aryan blood from the Aryan invasions

That's why they're lighter skinned

Are you denying the Aryan invasions?

When I say Aryan I don't mean alpine folk

Like it's apparently meant to mean

I mean the Indo-Aryans

We wer made great by our own achievements

I just wanted to make it known that I hate women

Have a nice day

Oy and Veypilled

We face revealing?

I can protect you

Are there actual dox fags here?

I know you have a sex saturated minor, may I ask why that is?

Why tolerate that?

Seems a bit liberal to me

Sorry, I don't speak encryption

You're probably just as Anglo as us nigga


Silence, slave!

It's anime time

And I hate America for it

They're sock puppets with the judens hand up they're arse to the elbow

What kind of shit storm was that?

The great warden cometh

Can I block specific people here?

What's a local mute?

I'm sick of hearing this sex saturated dune coon whore speak

Excellent, thank you

I hope her husband beats her often

Absolute degenerate

Seriously though, why do women of any age only know to joke about sex and deviance?

I don't think that's an appropriate thing to say about a minor

Ah, I read the first message without adding the context of the second

But I just bought a new shirt

I'm not due for another for at least a year now

Watch it recoil as it's found out

Why would I make dick jokes? Do I come across as a faggot to you?

I used to be a social watchdog y'know

Islam isn't the problem

@farrah don't ever address me again you feral cunt

Dogs really are ace

I'm going to bed. Time to dream of pixies and wights and shamanic practices.
My respects to those lost and the good boys that helped with the efforts to save folk

I hope your imam husband beats you proper inshallah

It only pops out in the middle?

Best way to do these is to actually look through it

It's just the one butterfly

How do we increase upload size?

I've been considering it

A lot of my pdfs are over the regular limit

Don't you need 10 boosters or some shit?

Does classic let you use emoji from all servers? There's some really based ones I'd like to use wherever I like

Haha, I can't see that emoji without heating the song in my head

It won't load for some reason

Is it the one that goes

Doo Doo Doo Doo Doot Doot
Doot Doot Doot Doot Doo Doo
Doot Dee Doot Dee Doot Dee
Doodittle Dadittle Dat Dee

I don't think I do

Anyone EcoFash here?


@Alpaca13 what's the main vibe of this server?

We all fashy or something like that?

I'm more interested in slamming these draught beers

Your name sounds like you're one of those animated gf people

Wtf kind of messed up mix up is this?

My remark was targeted at annoying because of his account name

No, I tried to make it tag sukuya dekaduka

Oh no, she's a foul cunt

Yes, I ask questions. How could you tell?

@Deleted User yea, not a fan of that tbh

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