lambdalizard ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿฒ

Discord ID: 245460668570927104

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It's not even an admission of guilt, it's just the decent thing to do

Fight to the death for your land if you need to, but do it without saying this one single specific word that most people don't want to hear, and that doesn't need to be said in the first place

None of that is a justification for your actions though

"They raped so now I can rape"

Is that the hill you're going to die on?

The entire point is to be a *better* person. To lead by example

And it's not like you're giving anything up

It's not like refusing to say/tolerate the k-word means you give up the right to vote, or own property

No racial slur is integral to the functioning of society

I'd rather challenge them on their ideas

"Ok so you've taken the land and driven white people into the sea - now what?"

All real problems, none of them helped by white people continuing to use the k-word

Why is it so important to you that you're allowed to say it @Rox ?

Bear the history in mind too. The Zulus lost the Anglo-Zulu war, were then systematically removed from their land, forced into menial labor with poor education, and were then liberated by the ANC - a party that has no ideas and no plan, and has just made things worse over the last 25 years

From their point of view, whites still have everything *and* continue to use racial slurs

I'd be mad, myself, if the situation were reversed

It's even more maddening, I'm sure, that there's no word they can come up with for "white people" that's degrading

And white people can address it right the fuck now by deciding to be conscious of the words they use

Or just one word in particular

It's not going to solve everything, but it *is* a step in the right direction. One that should have been taken decades ago.

Really? ๐Ÿ˜‚

We're literally on a discord right now that exists because of that

Less than 20% of the country is on Twitter, and less than 5% are active

Don't take twitter trends as a reflection of what's actually happening

The media machine loves sensationalist topics, they drive attention and sell ads

If there were no white racists, there would be nothing to report

Yes, the game is unfair. Complaining about it won't change that fact.

Consider the context though

They're not wrong when they point out that white people are 8% of the population but are disproportionately wealthy, better-educated, and have more opportunities

Now we're gonna complain because we don't like the news we see?

If it bothers you, don't read it

If you keep seeing racist shit on social media, maybe get off social media

Because there's 40 million of them and 5 million of us

If the situation were reversed (like it is in the US), the majority would say whatever the fuck they wanted about the minority (and do)

It sucks, it's unprincipled and unconstitutional, but that's the situation we're in

Unfortunately he's not god

I think Cattle Baron pulled their contract with the business?

So all at once, Adam has been fired, will lose his shares, and the company (who is innocent in this) is already losing contracts

Hopefully they re-engage when this blows over

of course ๐Ÿ™„

Worth noting the different responses - some people are apoplectic with outrage about the video, and some people are just mocking it

I'd rather have the mocking honestly

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