Flea Blorg

Discord ID: 244994250125737986

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what the fuck kinda of retard has a runaway car and just stares at the mother fucker

like holy fuck i know its not well known that diesels can runaway but if your going to buy one know the risks that can come with it

what a dummy he was

pretty sure its behemoth a fashwave song

nigga i thought you got a sight not a lemon why would you buy a lemon online

What do you call Wendy's fries

Burger King?

Well yea that are nasty but what do you call the fries

What about waffle fries

Sub again and then maybe once more

Got a cz 82 today. Nice pistol trigger is real smooth


Gonna be my edc

2020-01-10 18:04:51 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #food]  

Idk man do that then fill the center of it with hash browns and pancakes and syrup it be pretty good

2020-01-10 18:05:39 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #food]  

It just needs some dressing up to be the ultimate breakfast item

Yea it is pretty snappy but nothing you can't get used to. The double action trigger does have alot of travel but when in single action It's pretty short and smooth I think

Even with it being as snappy as it is recoil control is quite easy

Your lucky my local gun shops never have shit

@country doggo post a pic of your rig


is it a fleet truck or a sexy square body


not that bad looking could be alot worse

rip my niggas in egg land

What kind of pipe would be able to withstand the pressure of a 12 gauge tho

That's probably your best bet is to find a local metal worker with a lathe and a mill

is that a man?

she was on something her face was twitching like a motherfucker

i doubt its Parkinson's

youll niggas still using 4chan? smh my head

bro make your way over to the webring its nice because its not reddit in image board form

Throw your piss jugs everywhere and make them bust then be a good citizen and help clean up the mess with some bleach

even tho it is good to have a high IQ in the end its all about how you use your time to learn. IQ is just the speed at which you learn and if you have a IQ of 200 but live the life of a NEET your not going to be very smart.

i mean like i wouldnt be surprised if it was a mass grave but then again they build entire buildings in china over night, like 15 story buildings...

it looks good

and this is why china is going to be fucked. chinese people are dicks.


if it is thousands of students then i can see why they would do a police escort

you gotta also consider that they are using actual school buses

yea but they dont use school buses from a school district for fucking prisoner transfers

Noone important

That's still not hot

Like hot tub temps

yea from left to right its diagnosed, suspected, cured, dead

as of right now damn near yea

na dude i hope they keep lying and keep struggling to keep it under control, and when they cant? total collapse.

@Sleep mortality rate goes by deaths and cured rates not total sick and total dead

Hold up... if a city is on lock down then why can airlines come and go as normal?

And why isn't anyone stepping in and saying "we are not taking this plane do not land on out soil"

I mean yea after seeing that event 201 thing it's obvious it is but people at a lower level can still deny stuff like that

Some nigga in a tower on an airport can deny landing

they probably didnt take into account that people with the virus are actively trying to spread it <:madlad:646974424565678090>


thats the website and its not exactly 100% proven because they only tested 1 asian and they had the lowest amount of cells so it could have just been a 1 off thing


they need a larger test pool by far

But putting an ar stock on an ak is pretty normal....

something probably going on there that people are trying to "protest"

has happened at my hick town school before

cuz the cartridge is dummy long and also rimfire

i think the real dumb asshole is the one who got hostile at the drop of a pen

just means that its kinda dumb to put it in an auto loader

an smg in .22 hornet would be pretty interesting

P slick

i just bought 32 vz 58 gas pistons for the sole fact that they were 25 cents a piece

bad weed

Someone needs to make a corona chan t shirt

What was it

i can guarantee that it is certainly worth more than one dollar

i wouldnt be surprised tho i mean even with doctored chinese numbers the number of cases was growing way faster than anyone thought it was going to

this was in that twitter thread <:KEK:465443054254424065>


All 36 of my vz 58 gas pistons came today. The fuck should I even do with these things? Anyone got any ideas?


corona chan taking out the people avian unfluenza taking out the chickens and swine fever taking out their pigs

i really wish the gas mask filters i bought would come in but they are coming from the UK so its slow


@ihatetrainyards I see that you hate train yards but do you love your station?

i see. unfortunate.

ive been wondering that too.

I think he either traded his Enfield in for a nug or got one for his birthday

yugo made 9mm toks

7 billion people are in quarantine on this dumb ass rock we live on

There is a range where I live run by the dnr that's free and has a 50yd shotgun 25yd pistol and 50yd rifle

They only ask that you fill out a piece of paper that says you came in so that they can keep getting funds to run the place

No its outdoor

And yea they are pretty short but for it being a free range with a shelter it's not bad

Black? So like a niggers immune system?

Oh I see that actually sounds kinda cool

But basically the average nigs body tbh

Oh? Worm? Was it tasty?

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