Panzerϟϟchreck Berb

Discord ID: 662022946608381963

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do at your place

how did it end

at that point youre feeding an addict

just tell her to fuck off

she wont

shes just addicted to the internet

but you can help her without feeding her addiction

you just need to grow balls

gimme the tldr

if shes 18 she can technically sue her parents for that shit


not that

they check her phone against her will

thats a privacy violation

have her take them to civil court

they fuck her over

she can just use the threat

to make them stop

also have her DM me

i need greencard

and im not brown enough to jump the border

which channel

and keep her if she agrees

im serious btw

have her DM me

id like to get a greencard for real

i assumed hes a mutt

effectively 17

if he were a mutt i would have tried marrying over there

no one said about breeding

i just want guns

because krautistan is even more cucked

repeat that in amatuer talk

I posted about a drag netflix show which is quite literally child abuse on /pol/

heres the archived version

not everything

or else youd be speaking german by now

my great grandad was one

there was lightning on his hard hat

for real though

my great gramps was in the wehrmacht

since the age of 14

he also was in dresden half and hour before it got fucked

he kept a diary on the front

i gotta digitalise it some day

or you fucks could learn german if you want to read it

id just scan it

here i give you the magic umlauts

Üü Ää Öö


only thing stopping you is yourself

actually poor it into truk and engine compartment

and watch him crash

because the balance is fucked

booglaoo with sticks kid

if the people you try to attack defend themselves you can sue them


you dont even know how to pronunce it

yet youve got to pronounce it right

i made that template

photoshop i did in my schooltime

budd o mine

cant fuck her up more than she is already

one of my very first photoshops

Get yourself an promotion boy

You just need to believe

Hit her up with this

He came to kick gum and chew ass
And he was all outta ass

*-20° not that bad*

Reminder thag Mr. Ovious is a faggot

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