Cesare Anasazi

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I didnt deny hereditary natre of genes, I denied that I owe anything to someone or should be proud of him simply cause we have similar genes

There is nothing to be proud about my family

Thankfully I am not connected to their actions anyway

I don get how I can be proud of their actions here

Only pride that is possible is if I myself did something well

If I taught them and helped them along the way yes I hold part of that achivement

but it's a pride in what I did to help

And no, I have no ancestors that are alike Stalin in any way

I would not tell them anything, I would evaluate my own actions and ask myself if I can do better

Probably not, unless they deserve a praise

If I did good job I should be proud

And if a person who followed my advice did a good job I would respect them for it

No, I would not say it cause I usually dont care

I dont care enough to tell people my opinion on a thing that isnt particulary relevant to me

On the other hand, if my intern does a good job learning there's 2 things going on here.
1. I do good job teaching
2. He does good job learning

I dont feel I can claim pride for his ability to learn, only to my ability to teach

Selflessness is immoral

I dont operate like that. WHen I have interns, which I do a lot, I help them understand, give them tasks and then tell them clearly what mistakes were made

I dont get what you mean by that

But I didnt do that

I just helped them understand and they did something good

sometimes they do better than I do

no, I am not acting selflessly

I am helping them cause it will benefit me in the long run

and I am payed for helping them

there's some disconnect here my friend

I take no one's credit, I jst teach people how to do shit

I am selfish

in fact I strive to be

Objectivsm is philosophy of rational self interest

I understand what you saying but disagree on how you saying

in my opinion stealing something you didnt earn isnt selfish

Only first-hand productive life is selfish

No, stealing is allowing yourself to become a worthless parasite

Producing honestly is selfish

we can call it "rational selfishness" then

but not caring about it is precisly not caring about yourself too

it's selling your life for short-term interests

When parasite feasts without caring if he dies too he isnt being selfish

because truly selfish act would be *not* being a parasite

Taking a proper example, in your opinion, who is more selfish, my brother who lives off handouts of our parents or me who lives on his own, doing a productive job

no, I am actually disabled

hm, in my opinion it's the opposite. he allows himself to live meaningless life of parasite while I struggle but earn

Out of 2 of us I have long term plan for my selfish well being

if I can keep off concrete stairs

there's no destinction in russian, we just call it egoism

but I hear you, there's nuance here


read Rand to understand why I hang up on this

Objectivism hold a very precise definition of selfishness and for outsider it's as if we talking about 2 different things

and btw I was not joking, I actually have disability, I broke part of my back slipping on the stairs xD

December 11th - strongman who bench pressed 200+ pounds
January 11th - bend-ridden disabled guy lol

it's ok now, I had surgery and aside from bench pressing I can do anything

sorry to make it about myself, just clarified a thing

nuh, just risk trauma if I go to gym or lift my girl

already recovered

but still cant go to gym, ever

4 metal bolts in my spine are there forever

Going back to conversation I think we agree that rational self-interest is a good thing

ok, I wont go into semantics and just agree, I rarely get even that

usually I am called a fucking narcissist, zealot and traitor to my ancestors


dom me daddy


gib m fuzzy wuzziez

In Russian news: orthodox preist told people on TV that he had a conversation with soul of Darwin and Darwin admitted that giraffs didnt evolve from zebras so his theory is wrong

Giraffe exists, checkmate evolution

go to boxing

get punched a lot, have a goal

Shooting people for muh milky skin is retarded

"In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion."

that's a quote from his manifesto

🤷 ok, what evidence will you accept then

he's either dumb or lumping shit together so they get noticed

let's destroy my life when it's just began

great idea lol

when I was 21 I went to gym

and libraries

what kind of complete moron you need to be to get up in 21 and go shoot people cause muh milky skin

sorry what is SSRI

Oh boy, a fucking commie

2019-08-06 17:47:48 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Orange man racist

The only endgame non-free enterprise systems give you is death

Free enterprise is about prosperity

2019-08-09 11:08:21 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  


2019-08-09 11:08:32 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Blame them for everything

2019-08-09 11:08:34 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

so easy

In order to ask someone for advice, that someone must exist

otherwise you just speking with your imaginary friend

The only function the church has is lying

Mere concept of gods is a lie

Faith is a lie as well

Faith means nothing but lying to yoursels

Why should I believe in anything

It's either is or isnt, believe is useless

I'm 27 and I am very well, thank you

why would I kill myself?

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