
Discord ID: 256130182140788747

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At least being overencumbered meant moving slowly and not being completely immobile like in Morrowind.

It reminded me of the pitt DLC from FO3 in some places.

Yeah, but Obsidian seems to be losing their edge imo.

Good to see a lot of regular folks not sucking that game's dick all the time.

That's Metro ๐Ÿ™‚

Epic exclusive now ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Yeah, I like that system too, but eventually it always ends up with me never using the top tier weapons, because I'm over conservative with their maintenance.

And the grimdarkness.

cat tax?

Thoughts on the upcoming Eisenhorn series?

Mark Strong as the voice for Titus, though โค๏ธ

THQ had some really good voice actors for their shit.

I mean, Michael Wincott as Death? Yeah! Give me more!

The guy who voiced War is pretty good too, but his name escapes me right now. He did Gaara in Narutard.

Liam O'Brian.


Worf as Dorn? That would be nice, actually.

I'm trying to find an affordable embroidering company to custom make an imperial fist banner backpatch.

Either 3rd or 5th company.

A stamp I milled to create purity seals.

Nah, this is for a jacket I'm making.

Kind of like in the metal scene, you have folks with denim jackets sewing on all the band patches.

What, in the game, you mean?

Never watched it. Heard it's crap, though.

Recently a lot of good stuff coming out of the fan community.

When fans make content that's better than official stuff.

Is GW out of touch?

Yeah, and Hells Reach was awesome too.

Ahhh, I have fond memories of Gothic III, but I recognize it for the piece of shit it kind of is.

Wild boars are the hardest enemy in that game, since they stun-lock you so easily.

You can still find it in bargain bins to this day.

Good point.

They're weird. You don't hear anything from them for years, then they come out with something and you wish they hadn't.

It's not fascist, though. They don't understand their own universe anymore.

And it's the last piece of pop culture that is relatively untainted by the woke.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Really? I wouldn't want to live in that universe, for one ๐Ÿ˜›

Borders work and they had this drug in use since forever that helps reducing the viral load.

I guess they wash they azz. Bum gun, the wet spike.

Taiwan namba wan.

@King Canuck Can't polish a turd.

@svarozhyc Always someone going to post that.


What names did he give them?

Hehehe, isn't it great that even SJWs think it's too much?

It's almost like some gay op, but I doubt it.

Yeah, this is beyond Titania McGrath parody.

Well, everything clichรฉ is new now, apparently.

They haven't had an audience for years now.

This won't make much difference.

Just doubling down on the woke as usual.

Does Zoey Quinn still work at DC? Even she wouldn't top the new new warriors.

In quarantine, not much else to do here.

I've cleaned the entire place twice already and finally decided to assemble some misc IKEA stuff that was still stored away.

Gotta go into work tomorrow, though.

Incompetent IT can't set up a remote laptop for me.

@Samaritanโ„ข You're probably better off for it. I can't even hold a lengthy conversation with normies anymore, because I always steer things back to politics.

Yeah, more than half of them here (Western Europe) are of the Orange-man-bad mindset, without actually knowing anything outside of what the MSM propaganda tells them.

They are hatchlings and will simply waste your time.

I don't even go that deep into it.


Florida men of Europe.

Maybe he should have done "gack blowing" instead.

The plastic kind.

Lol... You get what you fucking deserve, Harvey ๐Ÿ˜›

Would corona solve the overpopulated prisons problem?

He was too fast to live.

Is Bill Cosby a free man?

Cathy Bates made a good point, though. Those women knew what they were going in to.

Don't get me wrong. I find it reprehensible. But it takes two to tango.

Cocaine doesn't knock you out. And you still have to decide to snort it.

@Patriot Doggo Pondering wether Weinstein is really guilty or not, I suppose.

Yeah, he's gross and nobody's going to cry for him.

He has corona.

That's what sparked the discussion.

Kek... He coomed in some potted plants

@Patriot Doggo We wuz PS1 polygons an shiet.

Is the POV character trying Rey's block of Palpatine's lightning?

Ugh... Someone added water to mogwai.

The OC Furbies.

Nah man. I'm pretty sure that's Osama.

Hmmm, who would tap?

The lockdown caused those pesky meter-fairies to crawl back into the woodwork. Finally some free parking space.

Agreed. I already pay my taxes, give us a break.

Lol... Where's Cuomo now?

Take the opportunity to get some rest, I'd say.

I'm particularly glad that I don't have to take trains anymore. Some infected idiots have been smearing their mucus across all the handlebars and door buttons apparently.

Don't do that to the elderly.

Who's the person in your pfp?

His eyes are not on the same height. Can't even do that in oblivion's character creator.


A lot of inbreeding, it seems.

If you were born like that, might as well rock it.

So tired of guilty whites trying to save the third world by importing all of it.

But we're all the same, right? Except diversity is our strength.

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