
Discord ID: 187026338106834944

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I'm just dropping a bit of information here, after watching, "TYT Realise Mexico is a Shithole".

So-called "DREAMers" are (Or were? Not fully up to date on the program's status.) issued work-authorized Social Security Numbers (SSNs) under DACA. That basically makes them indistinguishable from anyone here legally, as far as most social benefits (such as scholarships) are concerned.

Illegal aliens who come to the United States work in one of four ways: under-the-table/cash-and-carry/off-the-books, with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) and an employer who gives no shits, under their own name and using a stolen SSN, or under a stolen name and SSN.

The first actively pushes Americans out of jobs and forces Americans to accept lower wages, as those illegals often work for less than minimum wage.

The second is probably the least harmful: federal tax withholding is enforced, no one has their identity compromised, and most employment laws (such as minimum wage, safety, etc) are enforced. With the recent restrictions on refundable credits (starting with the 2015 PATH Act, and further improved with the latest tax reform bill), this is as close to "no harm" as it gets.

The third is also relatively benign; as long as they don't share a surname with the person they stole the SSN from, the SSA and the IRS sort it out systemically. If they do share a surname, but not a full name, it costs about an hour of some bureaucrat's time to sort it out. If they share the full name, they're in the next category.

The last group - stolen name and SSN - causes the most harm. They get disabled people cut off from their Social Security Disability, they get their victims audited by the IRS (and when you get a notice saying you didn't report $40K of income, that's a scary thing), and they often go on to commit various forms of bank, loan and credit card fraud. Fuck these sociopathic shitgobblers in particular.

Yeah, sorry for the wall-o'-text.

Prior to 2015, illegals fucking *loved* to file their taxes. They'd get an ITIN for themselves, their parents, their kids, their "nieces and nephews" - any random fuck they could put the paperwork together for. Pull down $40K of income, get a ~ ~$10K Standard Deduction for head of household, then write off $4K/dependent for all of those people. 6-10/return was NORMAL. They get all their withholding back, $1K extra per kid under 17, and every time they get a new kid approved... Go back three fucking years and get that money, too.

PATH finally put an end to going back 3 years. The latest bill finally - *finally* - put an end to refundable credits for this lot altogether.

More like the appendix? Lol

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