
Discord ID: 241890913935163392

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basically amazon for southeast asia

now owned by the honorable chinese google

i think its considered an insult because how it was used, like oriental

it literally just means "eastern" as paired with occidental meaning western

burgers just managed to taint actual words by using them in an offensive manner

>movie isnt out yet
>not even an actual full trailer
>disney already pumping out merch

theyre about to send you into the soul realm the old fashioned way

look at how this dog is dressed

just asking for it

what did you post you boomer

>still using facebook in current_year+4 btw

whats worse is there are already CANON sith troopers

seeing as disney officially acknowledges SWTOR

you can tell good stories in the star wars universe, the sequels just have a very tragic coincidence of having juju and rian be the ones directing them

this is disney were talking about

the same disney that is intent on remaking every animated film into live action because they literally cant think of any other thing to do

i doubt it

i see more and more from the divide of user an critic reviews

movies are being made to cater to critics that heap them praise
they then disregard the mountain of bad reviews from the audiences

i dunno

when films release trailers, its probably already finished

i doubt thered be much if any difference in the sonic design

based shortman rising up


id hire a hooker solely to dunk on them in mario kart

based and FOWpilled

they do need to upgrade to blender though

no matter how studious they are, SFM is too archaic

they need to get animo pron on the FOW team

he has trained under master shadman in the ways of ||horse fuck||

tentacles are too.. impersonal for me

>america so bad and oppressive
>people risk life and limb to get into it

what a dumb dictator, actually wasting money to get his prisoners OUT of the border and you know, not just killing or permanently interning them

look man, im all for concentration camps and all
but detroit is too harsh

Portland AKA Detroit 2

>incumbent mayor is also police commissioner

>every dumfuk npc is scared shitless of my dog now
do you or do you not have a dog

beat me to it

fuck pitbulls tbh

every other dog dont need training and survival manuals to deal with

cant tell if @Diffused Solvent is shitposting or having a mental breakdown

at what point would you say the problem with lootboxes stop from companies and start being due to people being stupid

if antifa is officially labelled a terrorist entity, does that mean people are free to track and monitor who they are individually

how far would civilian action be allowed, ie if there is a known ISIS agent in your neighborhood how much are you legally permitted to fuck with them

a lot more get fucked BY dogs

speaking of chernobyl

i heard from a turkish guy that turkey is making their own reactor

..with incompetent personnel

god that show was absolute cringe

filipino tv

im from the philippines and you posted a clip from filipino tv

why did you need to ask if adobo was good if its obviously good

oh ok

whats your take on du30

hes definitely bluepilled

hes selling the country to the chinese

are you a US born hapa or something?

hes not really dealing with the drug problem here

more like randomly killing people
putting signs that theyre supposedly linked to drug use
and suppressing any investigations

from the outside it would *seem* that hes doing something but thats far from the case

whats worse is his associates are somehow dealing in drugs themselves
>customs sieze a 3 billion dollar shipment of drugs from china
>makes a show about reforming customs
>customs personnel somehow get promoted into his cabinet
>the siezed drugs are nowhere to be found
>wont bring up the issue with his chinese mastes

he made a big show in his campaign about fighting china and asserting sovereignty and now hes tucked his tail and cowering. a chinese boat sank a fishing boat smack dab inside ph territory and left the fishermen to basically die out in the sea

and he insists the people calling for him to take action is some kind of 24/7 gay op by the CIA and his detractors to make him look weak

the instagram murder?

the "obsessed follower" angle might be wrong

trump actually has the idiot savant perk

with all stats put on LUK

thats why i love him

his Boomer passive trait prevents him from maxing speech

orange cheeto man : sky is blue
all of the media : AcTualLy iTs CyAn

what does it say
my third world shithole ISP wont let me view stuff from the evil 4channel (dot) org

isnt that the girl who was murdered?

>killers have always used social media to facilitate their shit
>the worst being that they post the aftermath of what they did online
>facebook, twitter and instgram not held liable

>sites like gab fully cooperate with police to provide user info and somehow theyre portrayed as having explicitly promoted crimes

beheading someone instead of just killing them denotes a deeper sign of a broken mind

anyone here see the pics he posted? all ive let msyself see are the blurred thumbnails


japan already got an anime in production

is yolk

he wanted to make anime real

a female yandere is an anime waifu
a male yandere is just plain abuse


why should there be though

when the paypigs evolve into wolves

dont know what he looks like

but ill bet thered be fat landwhale tumblrinas getting themselves wet after his killer dick

while decrying someone saying a mean comment at them

your mom is weird

no please

that denotes personal issues

were planning our daily lgbt genocide of course

didnt you get your memo after joining the discord? mondays are for when we plan the destruction of lgbt rights

wednesdays is the weekly nigger hanging

what if he also doesnt like the 72 virgins in heaven and also behead them

now thats based

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