Message from @Ayylmao
Discord ID: 600563776411926528
I'm out of slurs
Welcome to Athens lol
oh, heres another
tfw no yerrow nigger
thats not even low hanging fruit
thats a potato
stfu whitu piggu
@Some Fucking Leaf for Filipinos like me it's "rice picker" and "asian beaner"
Also Chinamen since I'm part chinese
Chinaman doesn't sound like racist to me
It sounds like a really lame super hero
that shoots noodles out of his fingers.
Like someone Rob Leifeld would make when he runs out of ideas.
i think its considered an insult because how it was used, like oriental
oriental sounds no way offensive to me
oriental to me sounds more like you'd describe a flavor of something with soy sauce.
i remember my asian friend in San Francisco shared some stupid triggered asian man article about how we should get rid of oriental style ramen
i'm like "mother fucker....oriental sounds better than MSG AND SOY SAUCE FLAVOR"
burgers just managed to taint actual words by using them in an offensive manner
i don't know....everything is just getting stupider by the day
theyre about to send you into the soul realm the old fashioned way
wow....i had fifteen triggered millenials
post to me and threaten me
on facebook
look at how this dog is dressed
just asking for it
fucking christ sake
why do i have a feeling i said one good thing about trump and now the angry mob is gonna try to hack my FB
what did you post you boomer
>still using facebook in current_year+4 btw
it's in that stupid group "we all try to pretend to be boomers"
hey who wants to call me on discord
and I was saying something OOC and like "guys maybe we can chill with the political posts...some of us like trump"