
Discord ID: 461392357603147776

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and kotu


garlic bread is pretty gud

wow i'm the pope

I'm not political just racist

"there's no difference between good and bad hurr durr"

socialism = autism

was raised "catholic" but fam didn't give a fuck about going to church luckily

why kill yourself when you can kill commies and reporters

only like islam and mormoms(?) do that poly shit

stop being retarded



green gang

use mixtape.moe dummy

hosting site

no ads, no wait times, direct download

limited to 100mb tho

i can't really lol

i can't read anything from that

the mods you're using?

it may not be compatible with your mc version or whatever, i never tried mod packs

i just said they have no ads

or maybe you mean smth else

yeah seems like optifine is still not updated for MC 1.13

that may be your problem

i shill mixtape cause i know the owner

idk if he has one

@Eris if you want to use optifine you have to use MC 1.12.2 or lower

i hate that shit

it says the mc 1.13.1 version is 90% complete

ie not done

you're playing on your own right?

you can just go to options and make a profile for an old version

well if it's the official client it's supposed to download it for you

also change your passwords and shit before your account gets completely stolen lol

idk how that shit works help her @Deleted User

mc mods

i think you install forge and then optifine?

replace -Xmx1G

with like -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M

that will let the game use 2gb of ram

-Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M

idk what that is

the max for that is 32M

idk if it matters

it's 2GB

how much ram do you have

it's 2gb nigga

then you can use like 4096M


i doubt it will crash with that

we did it reddit

Lucas Nipples


8gb oof

may need to download smaller textures lol

you can just kill the sheep for wool you don't have to shear it

it's always one

find a bunch of sheep and murder them to make a bed

but you need to find iron first nibba

yuge fps

yo this nigga found diamonds

damn $$$

keep going in a straight line and you'll find iron eventually


lol she had enough trouble modding the client

plus you gotta pay for a vps or something

how would you make it not square in mc <:ayythink:489012578245279755>

villages are either in plains or deserts iirc

open places

nah nigga i read the wiki

only plains and desert biomes

Villages generate naturally in Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Desert biomes
villages may also generate in Snowy Tundra and Snowy Taiga biomes

ok a couple more

what texture pack are you using now @Eris

oh i didn't remember the water looking like that

oh that

what ur using

how did you forget, you installed it lol

just buy a screen and replace it, it's easy as shit to open the frame

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