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it's like george lucas came up with their language

the stupid call center I work at has all the perks aldi's does as well as frequently offering ludicrous amounts of overtime and free college opportunities that plenty of people I know have used. the company's only in a few states, though. broader point being that call centers can be good entry-level jobs if you find the right ones. the work is kinda awful, but better than retail in that you aren't face ot face with the retards. not interacting irl makes having a retard-job waaay more bearable, as someone who's had a few stupidass jobs now.

if you have the time, look up and contact temp agencies. It can be easier to get a fulltime job via one of those since it's like the company they hook you up with is kinda auditioning you for the time you're a "temp".

One thing keeping me hooked on the herbal jew is that I frequently have violent, disturbing dreams if I don't use it before bed.

whereas high I just don't have dreams. there's a disturbing aspect to that in its own right, but at least I can sleep.

I recall owen cyclops once being like, "abstain for a month and spend the entire time assuming horrible shit will happen to you at any moment", and I wonder if he says that coming from a similar place I'm in now.

half the time the nightmares just involve tons of glass breaking out of nowhere, usually something falling from above on someone.

there also seems to be this dream demon who likes to take the tubes out of my extravagant headphone amps and put them in bed with me. I've had this recurring dream for years now where I fake wake up to blood and broken glass in my bed and realize I had rolled over all my tubes. and it's just like, "oh god, why???" until I wake up for real.

https://youtu.be/q3lHs67dhIc what were they thinking when they included a music select option for the battle tower, but left this track out?

raised me a jolteon and an espeon today and was more psyched for that than I should really have any right to be. much of my fun thus far has come from how easy it is to get into pokemon I never quite had time for in past games. I turned the eevee into an espeon in like 15 minutes.

I cared, but not quite enough to take personal action, so I gave my mom some weed and pizza earlier in exchange for her calling our representatives, voicing opposition to potential war with Iran and saying she's tired of them serving AIPAC's interests before ours -- figured she'd feel less conflicted naming the lobby instead of the race/nation.

I thought the context was obvious: I wanted to complain about potential war with Iran, because any number of people calling does actually make a difference -- it prevented boots on the ground in syria, at least, but I got lazy and my throat ain't been well, so I bribed my mom to do it for me.

cook with it, write some article with a progressive tone, and maybe saving animals and shit, and maybe you've got a new blogging job

lol, I was saying cook with the breast milk, ftr

more idle thought than endorsement of cooming, but most drawbacks of being a cumbrain which make that meme worthwhile aren't such for a transwoman.

I mean, when emasculation is desired and fuckability isn't depandant on performative masculinity.

death to america; death to the great satan

I figure they at least gage public opinion in how bold they feel in false flag execution. I still consider my mom calling worth the relative little it cost me.

something like 1,000 people calling prevented boots on the ground in syria -- it doesn't really change trajectory, but it makes reps slow down since they're timid little fucks -- that's the sort the system recruits.

it makes them go toward more moderate action. it was revealed via a hot mic that they went for drones instead of troops due to low public support for the idea.

I know there are explicit limits on what we can effect sans revolution and I've alluded to them in practically every post. merely saying that applying pressure is better than the norm, which is nothing. ryan dawson was talking about the difference it made in syria this morning and he tends to have some idea what he's talking about.

most individual congress people are just guided by vague concensus. hundreds of calls rattles them.

I've explicitly said numerous times that it doesn't make big changes, and that it was a couple-minutes effort I gave someone else goods for. you're just being a contentious dipshit.

I know what the system is

even in the hypothetical that all representatives are in on the macro-schemes and completely against the public will, it still makes sense to communicate so the premise that they ignore their constituency can be established.

without fedposting I'm of the actual pragmatic opinion that certain people will need to be confronted irl in unofficial ways, but you can't even take radical action without demonstrating that they just won't budge otherwise.

the system wins in part because its architects understand the value and possible extent of narrative building -- they have an envisioned progression of world history meticulously mapped out, and they will utilize literally any bit of energy/work they can control toward the end of constructing that reality -- i.e. CIA tells them to drink more coffee in Friends. it helps in their case that they have infinite money, but the broader insight is that passive narrative building works if actually done insistently.

it's a better timeline if these people act egregiously despite being asked not to (a lot)

if I were a woman, I'd feel tempted to just take trips to washington and bait male gaze

that's just possible exploitation points


I hacked mine, but find myself wishing I had an XL now

should probably just get one

if chris-chan is disingenuous now, I get the impression he wasn't always. Pre-tranny days it's hard to discern what he'd get out of it relative to the humiliation -- he's given dick pics and video of himself fucking toys to trolls.

Thinking said trolls were sweethearts, obv.

I find it funny that, after years of screaming about how much he loves women, hates homos, and hates himself... she learns that she herself was the woman he needed to love all along.

I'm at work, lest I would

Being gay at work so no one suspects I'm a fascist

I haven't had a single person freak out about being called on sunday yet today. Very strange.

are there any particularly good videos or alternative media articles about michael jackson? I've just never looked into it, but it being jew lies sounds more likely than what the jews told me on tv.

my cat wanted to be fed at 4AM and now I can't fall back asleep. he's cute, though, so it's okay

that was just uncalled for

it would actually be this simple if not for Jews

apart from the fires and explosions, this whole thing vaguely feels like when I lived with a depressive LoL player, whom the white character here coincidentally kinda looks like.

I just remember him telling the kids to simmer down all the time

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