
Discord ID: 472407465594454016

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2020-01-30 03:29:03 UTC [NSLS #vetting-answers]  

1. Age: 18
2. Sex: F
3. Race: White
3.: Religion: atheist/not sure
4. Country: U.S.
5. Political Ideology: National Socialism
6. Definition of Fascism: a strong leader upholding the correct order the way nature intended.
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Jews, White Nationalism: I donโ€™t have strong views on the alt-right and Donald trump, I guess theyโ€™re fine. And the US is good but the left wing people are ruining it. I would say Iโ€™m a white nationalist so Iโ€™m very pro that, capitalism is a questionable system and seems to profit Jews, but I hate communism more, and on the topic of Jews, Iโ€™m not a fan
8. What books you've read to shape your views: squires trial, mein kampf
9. Are you physically active: sort of? Iโ€™m thin but I donโ€™t like โ€œwork outโ€
10. Have you ever had a girlfriend: Iโ€™m a girl so no.
11. Where you got the invite: @Tyr

2020-01-30 03:34:02 UTC [NSLS #vetting-answers]  

Lmao I would but Iโ€™m pretty sure he told me I was evil because Iโ€™m a race mixer even though Iโ€™ve never had sex and started dating this guy before I knew this was a thing

2020-01-30 03:35:02 UTC [NSLS #vetting-answers]  

Yeah I get that, @UndeadJohannes but that is my explanation, Iโ€™m really new to this stuff.

2020-01-30 03:36:19 UTC [NSLS #vetting-answers]  

Oh my god @scenetard stop worrying about my love life and focus on your own. Iโ€™m not planning on staying w/this guy. Forgive me if I donโ€™t want to be single for prom etc. and

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