Crobar McFierce

Discord ID: 352403859454558219

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2020-01-02 12:20:40 UTC [Athens #other_politics]  

Hi, umm, I just watched Joker. Am I the only one who thinks that film is lefty propaganda/a really good set up for Batman to punch him?

I am one of the only actual atheists I know. Everyone I meet believes in some vague crap.

Having children is the duty of men and women. It's the entire reason religious societies survive better.

All those silly rules made by religions, all point towards 1 thing: have children because it's your duty.

I get that having children is tough, I haven't done it yet, but it has to be our goal. It's the only thing the religious got right.

If you can't do genes then at least do memes.

How old are you steyr?

Give it a couple years.

Only problem is, when you want kids at 33 like me and my fiance, you might find yourself a bit rushed.

All agreed. I dig the religious thing of 'Have kids, don't think about it!'

Basically the fall of society is because people aren't thinking in these terms.

You need to get your life together enough to have a kid.

If you're 19 and you know your flaws, you're doing fine.

Stick to your guns and work on your career. You will grow into a good person.

(If you aren't already)

Hmm, 8.30 in the morning and I'm telling lude anime avatars to repopulate the planet. Thanks sargon!

I heard it was insanely difficult to adopt. Makes a really good case against abortion.

I've got no career except some english teaching experience and I'm making games. I probably shouldn't have kids but I've given myself a 2 year time limit to just do it anyway.

Steyr that is good thinking.

You go if you want to be a doctor or engineer. Most jobs no.

If my kid isn't a gamer I will give them away.

Yeah holy shit, especially when death rate for pregnancy was much higher, women should be regarded like soldiers.

You should get a victoria cross for having many children.

If your kid is creative, send them to do business.

If your kid is businessy, send them to do business with a sketchbook.

People see housewives as weak and subserviant. Those people have no idea what life is all about.

My mum was a rich kid who didn't do much work OR housewifing.

Lots of reality tv with her 1 daughter though.

I learnt all my values from videogames and Spiderman.

My mum is an anti-vaxxing hardcore marxist feminist. Who drives an SUV and lives in luxury and gets scared when she sees working class or black people.

@numbSKULLery_8f4812 I don't know if I'm working class. My family is upper middle in London but I have lived on very little since I was 18.

For example, my working class friends' parents are paying for their weddings. Mine aren't, and my fiance is venezuelan so hers aren't either.

I ask that animal question to a LOT of people as a teacher.

In Tenerife, overwhelmingly people would like to be pet cats or dogs.

When she makes me a proper tea.

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