Drugs for Everybody

Discord ID: 467447956887306262

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i just realise i am smarter than my 5 year old

i didn't think about that

that's too long of a discussion

you got rats cleaning up your kitchen

im a strong independent woman

i dont watch kids movies

the truth is somewhere in the middle

the problem is they are so bad

youre literally a soulless husk of a human being

please do't stop buying our stuff

meta means to go beyond

criticise the past version of yourself

that would be so boring

what are you talking about? thas insane

thats bullshit

it wasnt empowering

we shouldn't allow underage elephants to drink

oh my god how dare you this is so dangerous

return to the jungle

this is very important going forward

remember that point

nobody wants to see schindler's list for elephants

why are they whipping the elephants and than killing them when they are too old to perform?

im sorry, thats true

i need to stop doing drugs

that thing is so weird

all the sjws will lose their minds

civilise your man

what's your name?

why is that?

romeo and juliet sucks

im not a huge shakespeare fan

i like some shakespeare remakes

i don't wanna be a princes anymore

i'm not like other girls

i like aerodynamics

i'm the leader of hyena pack

are you so scared of global warming, that you want nuclear winter?

there are women in the internets?

a woman with japanese characters is calling someone else not a slav

@Goddess Tyche did you get abused by your jewish father? <:sadgon:544640228166598657>

oh, that's why it's so underdeveloped

i have beep preparing for this my whole life

this is insane

you should be loving this

i am not a price to be won

i'm not shy about my needs

i need to be rescued

i don't know if people want that

i wanna be born special

i wanna take it easy

i wanna relax

i don't know if people are really into that

i don't wanna be a high power attorney that works 80 hours a week

but you do if you're not born lucky

work your ass off to become respected

this is literally your fault

sunday doesn't have anything to do with race

oh please make it stop

i'm woke enough. pick me

totally yeah, exactly

that's the goal

i've seen it

i'm back, i'm black i'm on crack. deal with it

it's scary, that it's married to a man

i like attractive mature women

nobody likes hyenas

hyenas have boss lady dick

majority of hyena babies die, because they suffocate while going through penis

i want a glorious lion king white ethnostate

that's so insane

now, that i'm an adult, i can't stand it

hyenas are worse for an echo system

it's ok for baby to get drunk and hallucinate as long as you don't make fun of white people

that's the problem

work all day, work all night. never learn to read and write

that's the point

I have this rare disease, that make your nipples fall off. But then i stapled them back on my chest and now they are like new
When my nipples fell off and blood started poring out i got scared, that some vampires or sharks in the area smelled blood. But i was actually more scared of vampires, because they can blend in with the crowd better, than sharks.

what is the purpose of this?

Speaking of Jesus


If i was a woman i'd do anything other than bitch about jews on some retarded server

i am going to do some more drugs

i've seen it all

that's how you do it

it would be perfect

i've just seen a horse fly

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