
Discord ID: 424286072499994624

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Most normies will fall in line, but only if you have power

@WeIrDGuy Do that and you're basically a Sovereign Citizen

it doesn't

it also means nothing to normies. They don't care about sovcit nutters

You're right, all paths lead to victory

there are also other groups working on those paths

and they do it better than we do. We should stick to what we're good at

carefully nudging towards division and eventual collapse is our strength

every rally we did and every media appearance sowed discontent and widened the crack in American politics

When the gap becomes a chasm such that politicians can't bridge it anymore, the government will not be able to function in more than name

we're continuing to be NS

that's not up for debate

What is being discussed is how best to package NS to achieve our goals

NS is fundamental truth

Uncle A even said that NS will have to be different in different countries

I was worried in the beginning too, because at that first voice chat what had been discussed wasn't conveyed to us very clearly. It sounded a lot like AmNat. After talking to leadership more over the next couple days, its clear that it isn't that.

From what I understand, leadership is trying to package NS principles and stances into something that eliminates the big brained nibba shit so that it can be more easily understood

Most whites agree with the basic ideas of NS when you explain them

there's a time and a place for being scary

I'm not redpilled on Silver Legion

The uniform is not important right this minute

First we need a name and a platform

Its going to be some time before we're ready for IRL shit

Platform will be similar, from what I understand

TWP took the old NS 25 Points and updated them to suit Heimbach's Strengths. What I've heard leadership wants to go is go back to the original and update them for what works for us

it will likely be about 90% the same

welcome back into the fold, brother

those knickers are pretty ๐Ÿ”ฅ

me either

only early group I know of is the Bund, and they weren't even really NS

there could be some good shit in there


@Tony H I know we lost a lot of people, how can we help?

a lot of the people here seem restless having nothing to do


Whites also need something constructive to do to have purpose


Got it

wait why are there 2 Tonys

oh that's Johan

I get it

I'll see who I can make contact with

the rules don't matter

loli wasn't against the rules either, until Discord decided to shut down hundreds of loli servers. Now it is

They change the rules literally whenever they want

someone on gab said it


short of doxxing themselves, there's not much we can do about that

got a new guy, who was defending us during the TWP/Assmador/Weev thing on TRS forum

Didn't know I was invited, but sure

Central time?


Are you the dude I was talking to on TRS?


Most of the former TWP leadership is here, aside from the ones that were expelled or quit

Someone reported us

Some of the guys that we've been able to get in touch with are here too

TWP is disbanded. The remaining leadership are working on a new direction and new group to carry the torch

still National Socialist, but some things about the approach are changing since the old one wasn't working

basically, we want to adapt NS to our own society and put real National Socialist ideas and morals into a form that's more adapted to our time and place

and work on some smarter tactics

the new platform hasn't fully been unveiled yet, but I'm cautiously optimistic

it shouldn't be much different from the old one. Same ideas, new packaging

More information will likely be released tonight

leadership is working hard on things

the problem is that membership data, emails etc are gone so we're having trouble reaching out to our people

yeah, we were discussing that earlier. Its a good sign

he's not even the alt-right candidate with a slick social media campaign

He's legit WN 1.0 American Nazi Party member who's campaign is being run out of a Discord server

he was one of Cmdr. Rockwell's guys. Its great news

that's not 20,000 potential white nationalists, but at the very least its 20,000 people who didn't care enough to vote for someone else or just stay home

over Discord?


Is Paddy still with us?

ok, because I see Paddy is on Gab

reaching out to anyone I can

I have no idea

would be a shame if he did


distancing himself because of Matt is completely understandable to do

who is ImperivmEvropa on Gab?

Pretty sure its one of us


Welcome, brother

Were you in our old server?

Then welcome back into the fold

things are fairly loose right now since we're technically dissolved at this point. But leadership is working hard on re-forging us, and we'll have vetting

VA uses Wire too

yeah it was pretty bad

people can record audio pretty easily

recording audio or screenshotting in here are a bannable offense

unless you're just screenshotting Fevs comments out of context

that's allowed and encouraged

we're not worried about antifa so much, but moreso about people within white nationalist circles that want us gone

our old server wasn't infiltrated by antifa

that's how WN movements always die

it is

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