Jimmy Marr
Discord ID: 301134646572220419
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No, you're totally in the right to bash the hell out of it. The fasces must be destroyed. No trace of it shall remain. Total annihilation by the Black Sun.
I'll personally destroy anyone I see waving that raggity-assed, rickshaw, bundle-of-bamboo looking symbol north of the Umpqua river.
Plus... I'm telling the New Sheriff.
I hate that goddamned wop symbol.
Literally shaking right now.
I go out in the backyard to work on my signs for one frickin' hour and when I come back there's 100 new messages in this chat about a symbol that looks like a cross between an oversize garden tool and an wagon burner's totem pole. No way, Jose. No fucking way.
I take it back. It's not a wop symbol. No way in hell that could have been designed by the same people who make Lamborghinis. That thing is definitely outta Africa.
Saltire with Sonnenrad in center.
It's that thing you call a "Saint Andrew's" cross.
Yeah. Hopefully he won't even see those wop flag designs.
Yeah, so how is that going to look in a Saltire.
Someone remind me, why are we trying to knock off the Cascadia design/colors?
I know HVAC is a genius and all, but the rest escapes me.
If we're going to do that, shouldn't we quit half-stepping and subvert the entire rainbow of colors.
I think I'd rather subvert Germanic Idealism that dope smoking degenerates, but that's just me.
Might be, but where's our erstwhile graphic design man when we need some serious prototyping?
Just kidding Wehrmacht. Can we bury the fat hatchet?
I gotta get back to the drawing board myself. I got the "UNjEW" boards done complete with "BOYCOTT * DIVEST * SANCTION" subscript.
I just need to make one 2ft tall "S" to finish "WOTAN MIT UNS".
It's not my fault, Black Hat dosed me with caffeinated coffee this morning.
That shit's like meth on an old man.
TFW you cut the world's most perfect 2ft tall "S" and then discover it's completely bass ackwards.
That looks kinda cool, but I'd also like to see it in a diagonal cross for comparison
It looks pretty as you have it. That would surely strike fear into them Southern Oregon yankees. They won't come toting no fat hatchet symbols north of Exit 86 if they see that bad boy flying on 88.
They'll probably hunker down at Heaven on Earth and talk about how much they hate jews an sheit before heading on back down where they come from.
Oh fuck yes. I have the perfect design. Red field, White diagonal cross, Sonnenrad in center. Swastikas inside the cross bars where the stars would be on a Confederate flag.
This is going to be the perfect equal opportunity flag. Nobody will walk away unoffended.
Holy shit. That even scares me.
It's the bloodshot eye of the Aryan Goliath. Jew David didn't really kill him. Just pissed him off.
He's been laying low for the last 3 thousand years, but now he's waking up.
Less spokes?
Nope, same numb er
Ah, central portion.
Intermediate ring should be tightened if we want it to be like Wewelsburg
On that marble or granite floor it really looks like it's domed. Kinda like a top view of a flying saucer.
That's Nazi as hell.
But we can tell Wehrmacht that it's the the central image is the top-down view of a fasces.
Yes indeed they do. Very wop friendly flag.
This is a very inclusive flag and anyone who doesn't think so can GTFO
Oh fuck yes!
I sure wish we had that bad boy out front along with the red danger tape when the anti-fags were here. The cops would secretly love that fashy motherfucker.
I get some kinda Imperial Asiatic or Samurai vibe off the General Marr version. I really like it.
It looks like it ought to be used as a package design for some really powerful Chinese fireworks. Like it's ready to blow up.
It visually says "Danger. Handle with extreme caution".
Can you make it flash and tweet it to Kurt Eichenwald for me? I'm sure he'd like to be kept abreast of such things.
Et tu, Goy?
Dat women's work.
We need a Betsy Ross battalion.
I'd love to see that General Marr standard zip tied to the center of an overpass fence and flanked on right and left by my new "WOTAN MIN UNS" banners. That prototype banner is so fucking big I can't even display it in such a manner to check it out.
I can't get that Weekly article to load.
That's a nice one.
I bet. Is it racist if a nigger flies it?
Cause we're chickenshits?
Hey Wehrmact, here's my serious attempt to answer your question with regard to positioning of the sonnenrad:
It should be centered because of it's cosmological significance. Things orbit around it, not vice versa.
I liked that article Seapea linked to on The Stormer. Total eclipse of the sun this year. Very rare. Oregon will get a direct hit.
As far as color goes, my opinion is that since we don't have the power to push for a straight up Swastika, we should at least show the balls to go with NSDAP colors.
Amen, brother
I noticed yesterday when Fourteen responded to BlkHt's comment about the Wewelsburg sonnenrad that the plain black sonnenrad looked kinda cool on the black background to the Discord chat. Maybe a monochromatic variation in greyscale tints would be a good representation of a Black Sun for a Dead Race.
I gotta run. Costco for new camera in case Fourteen goes photogenic tomorrow.
It's also kinda like looking down the barrel of a gun.
The Universe will become the Ethnostate of the Undead.
Is it the blutfahne from the G Street standoff?
Good signs, Fourteen. I've got the truck ready to roll with signs inside out. I plan to park it that way and flip the signs later like we did at U.O..
Please bring "No More Wars for Israel" / "The Goyim Know" for me.
Moving to get some of these printed up before proceeding to Corvallis. They should hit home inasmuch as this rally is sponsored by Veterans for Peace.
Lesbians smile as Goy Bean serves notice on a whore.
Chad narrowly survives vicious body check by militant bull dyke.
Hmn. "File too large".
KEK protects those who are loyal to him.
Philosemites "intimidated" by sidewalk chalk advocating a future for White children
Yesterday was pretty wild. After watching people's reactions and reading their comments on that Facebook thread I feel certain that we dramatically raised the level of cognitive dissonance in Corvallis and significantly reduced the "solidarity" of the status quo and its fallacious Left/Right dichotomy. I realize in hindsight that because of your KEK flags, you and Andrew lured the crowd into believing yourselves to be to the "right" of me. They couldn't seem to avoid the presumption that compared to you, I was simply a confused, but generally avuncular old hippie. Then, just when they thought they had you guys on the ropes by successfully proving through tedious debate that you were confirmed White supremacists, I jumped up and declared that all jews are congenital liars and demanded their collective counter-extermination as rightful retribution for their devious attempt at White genocide. That was a bridge too far for their weak minds to grasp and they took a plunge into the cognitive abyss. When they pull themselves back out of it, they are going to discover that the political landscape "don't look like Kansas anymore". Cognitive dissonance is the precursor to behavioral change.
That old hook nosed kike couldn't have wandered onto the set at a more fortuitous time if KEK had choreographed it Himself.
I'd love to hear how Freya described her encounter to her boyfriend when she got back home. I love that photo of her situated between lesbians on the left and Nazis on the right. She's definitely more interested in what's to her right, and the lesbians have their "fascist scum" arrow aimed directly at her.
I will sit this one out, but recommend you men to the Lard in patriot prayer.
It'd be great to find some overhead spots from which some KEK flags could be hung.
I was looking for some photos of the airborne swastika flags and balloons that were popping up in the Portland/Tigard area in the Spring of 2008. All seem to have disappeared down the memory hole. Can't say I'm entirely surprised. It's obviously not an image ZOG wants visible to Aryan eyes in any context.
All links are dead: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t513783/
I'm lukewarm on the podcast idea. Our movement is overloaded with talkers already. Regardless of it's energy level, talk is cheap. I'm interested in walking the talk. June 8th will be the anniversary of Israel's false flag attack on the USS Liberty. I'm going to make another banner along the scale of last weekends "Wotan Mit Uns". I can see no reason why any self-respecting American would feel the need to cover his face while demonstrating his revulsion against this atrocity. In other words, plausible deniability is a mile wide on the issue and yet irrefutably elucidates the true nature our only real enemy. So, my question to my fellow chatters is this: When, where and who is going to join me in this endeavor?
I'm thinking Sunday, June 11th, may be an auspicious date for this event because a prominent WN is getting married the previous day here in the Eugene area. That will draw an increased number of potential participants into this area. This area is also propitious in that it affords fairly equal traveling distances for Southern and Northern patriots.
For those who would like to get their blood up over this issue, this is a good primer: https://vimeo.com/180694861
I was just now thinking about all the cucked patriotard pipers I know in this area and how I might possibly entice them into walking their talk, but I realized there's no way they could ever muster the guts to make a public stand against the jews and on behalf of their own people. It's out of the question. I've tried too many times and they are absolutely worthless. But another idea has occurred to me: I've got four sets of bagpipes, and inasmuch as nobody would hear us anyway, we could simply pose as pipe band on a remote freeway overpass. I know for a fact that UberPiper alone could carry the day from a visual perspective.
I also have a marching drum which might help round out the spectacle, but if Wehrmacht is going to be at its helm, I won't be bringing any drumsticks.
cos/sin is also a promising Bagpipe Hero and would probably look better in a kilt than the skinny legged UberPiper.
I already know what Uber is thinking. He's beside himself with ecstasy as he imagines himself as the weirdo guy who twirls and hurls that long baton as he prances out in front the the band.
Code name for this operation will be "The Royal Pipers on Nonsuch"
The world's foremost goose-stepping pipe band.
Our pipes will be totally corked off which will allow them to remain inflated without much blowing while the truck mounted public address system will plays "Horst Wessel Lied"
Probablya big "USS LIBERTY" flanked by 4' x 4' black Correx Jolly Rogers except in these Jolly Rogers the bones will form a Star of David surrounding a central white skull.
Yes, beornmod, I thought of that when I suggested that day of the week.
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