Kommissar Bär
Discord ID: 229597330947440640
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Hey every1. New Patron from Germany here.
😎 😎 😎
me, Minding Freedom and?
3 germans confirmed
what could possiblz go wrong?
also: beta males at fb looking at nudes.
Nothing to worry about: Just a huge database of names and adresses and places of emploiment linked to nude pictures. Seriously how gullible can you be to send nudes to fb?
CP aside, it´s still weird af
I dont watn people to see my nudes. Let´s upload them to fb so people can see my nudes
makes perfect sense
It can be a good Idea. Imagine some landwhale sending in nudes and subsequently all her sponsored posts are from weightwatchers
As soon as I am marked in that sexy orange. Then nobody can stop us.👊
Operation:" Die Schöne und der Schlappschwanz".🤗 🤓
Does anybody know if you can run discord both on pc and android? I mean simultaniously. Because I do and apparently I left the server according to skagg wich is why I'm still not orange. Otherwise I really have no clue what could make it look like I left.
Even though I left the server on neither my phone nor deskop app.
hm, maybe desinstalling it in android worked. who knows
of course
commence the operation @Badg3rman
you can make a hangout and post the link here I would assume
I would hangout, IF I could get mz microhpone to work
jep. No Idea what causes it. Same sattings as Skype/Teamspeak. Output works. INput does not.
been there, done that.
I *think* I made it work.
How you might ask yourself? Opening Discord in firefox. No Idea why that works better than the effing PC PROGRAMM. oh well.....
Discord has been nothing but trouble for me.
I don´t know why. It just was. I had both the desktop app and the andoird app, what made it look like I always left the server.(What I dont wanna do since I´m a patron and like my orange name)
It should be, you know how late it its =:::(:::
my condolences
do you have an image?
"telling our stories" I am rolling my eyes so hard right now
good call, campus seems to be crazy
Hey every1. Does anybody remember the name of Matt video about the reporter who wrote a hit piece on him?
nevermind, I found it
thx though
it´s a triology
@Deleted User death by AR-15
I love the phrasing, "The Medical Community" as in Doctors?
Maybe piling on her for being misguided isn't helpful. Yes, she may have been mistaken in her beliefs but "roasting" (for lack of a better word) a corpse seems unneccessary. Especially cobsidering how it may look like to fence sitters.
"Chef cooks food, sjw offended by the naming"
Wow, thst's ctazy @alphajosh alp
Any idea how they might have gotten ypr Number
"Tacos are tasty" whew lad,good to see you have your priorities straight at your daughters funreal
Not what I expected when I went to e-buddhism(dot)com
@Screwtape really cool, how did you do it?
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