
Discord ID: 419135080909242369

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2020-01-14 09:18:13 UTC [Stupid Idiot #new-fag]  

idk what nana is talking about he wasnt really part of convo

a lot of age gap stuff in gay shit very common

dont confuse it with underage pedo shit

it was encouraged, also in dutch society too actually

it wasnt really considered a legitimate sexuality

It was like, oh you're still into boys, you're so childish, grow up

Really interesting from historical pov

Would make sense because back then it was very arranged marriage and shit and if they were fully gay isntead of bi, reacting sexually to women with a bit of revulsion makes sense as "hate"

some mysteries were not meant to be solved

sorry cat jumped on keyboard

what do those emojis convey

Oh can you go into more detail?

Uh you can't use the emojis in your expalnation

Are you sure you are not lying to me

so all of that is about democratic communism

Swear on your mother's life

hes turning the croco-dial

i really do not like the person who pinged me my speakers were on and the loud blooop noise woke up my pet turtle jeremy and now he's having a panic attack because he's not going to have a good night's sleep and he has exams in the morning, please think before pinging

please dont call anyone a newfag when ur 18 years old

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