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Discord ID: 518874349521076226

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I jumped abroad the telegraph and traveled down the river

The electric fluid magnified and killed 500 nigger

It's the lyrics of the song oh susanna

You better sing along

Cause da nigger likes da watarmelon

This guy is the real beast boiiiiii

Cause the left has taken over the media and the schools

That's good for the businesses tho

Lmao biden is about to bite the dust

Stfu you retard
Don't ever send this bullshit again
You degenerate
Send proof or you have aids

I did you dirty nigger

Send a source , probably a video or you are making shit up

Lmao nigga your source says that he called covid the Chinese flu

I live in europe, healthcare is so bad that we fly people to the usa to treat their shit

The taxes are so high that you can't afford to buy tickets for the flight and the treatment

Private hospitals aren't the problem

The problem is that the regulations are so strict that the market can't compete

You don't need less private healthcare

So that there are low prices

And go to the usa to get it fixed

You will be paying taxes your whole life so that you can get treated in the hospital 5 or 6 times

You could have gotten it the same day

No if you pay you gonna get treated

They are driven by will to make profit so they are efficient

Unlike public hospitals

My mom works at a public hospital

They take their sweet time

It's public healthcare

Or as I call it fund the government with some reward healthcare

To lock the people in is to destroy the economy for a virus that effects not even 1% of the population

Lmao that's so fucking hypocritical

The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch

American Enterprise Institute

You calling the American Enterprise Institute less reliable than cnn

Are you biologically a male ?

So you were born female?

If you identify as nothing how are you trans

There are 2 sexes male and femals

You can have xxy or x which are syndromes if you have xxy you are a male cause of y if you have x you are female

You can have both genetalia but those are rare cases and you are infertile

Those cases are again atypical and not representative of the human species

You have autism you bitch your opinion of us is the least important

You diagnosed yourself?

Omg this kid is retarded

1 you do not have such training or experience to self diagnose

2 you are a 13 old stupid bitch who's sources are cnn vox and twitter so you are just saying that you are autistic cause you think it's cool

You said it yourself , you think you are autistic you inflict it upon yourself you moron

Learning difficulties are a nice way to say you are a fucking moron work harder

But again he is a leftist

So you can't set high standards

I reckon biden will bite the dust in 2 years max

You mean you want more government control?

I guess that's what happens when you live in the UK and your sources are cnn, vox and twitter

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