🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄

Discord ID: 328449928181448705

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Good luck globe believers

You need all of these

You have none of these

Present it, ignorant one.

Every one of those

You claim they are all provable? Prove it.

Show me.

Every one of those

It's called Dielectric Voidance.
***Not*** gravity.

Along with density

@Soldz (CF) Because 24/7 is filled with Freemasons and Freemason sympathizers.

Nah, I've spent too much energy on that horrid place and the people in it. Figure it out for yourselves. I'm sorry. They've taken too much from me.

I hope you see it before they take from you as well.

Oh, sure. I'm mad. So mad, I couldn't possibly take notice the numerology they incorporate into their comments. So mad, I couldn't possibly see them making excuses for the usage of Freemason symbolism.

Are you pro vaccines or pro choice?

Not at all

Vaccines perpetuate the abortion industry

Aborted baby fetuses are an ingredient in vaccinations. Ergo; Vaccines perpetuate the abortion industry.

Proof of these?!

Fuck your vaccinations

I said fuck your vaccinations. You wanna get personal, punk?

Dumbass sack of shit.

Vaccine shill

@Human Sheeple take that truther role from this retard.

He's clearly not a Reuther


Autocorrect wow

Like it never happens?

Not a truther?

That CCQ freak who decides to insult instead of arguing with points.

Look at that! Federal sources!

Fuck off

You can't read, I take it?

The CDC produced that. You disagree with the Center for Disease Control about vaccinations? Dumbass.

***Unavoidably Unsafe!***

More federal sources!!

For you to deny

Here's a great one that will make you all freak out and deny with extreme cognitive dissonance 😆

Uh oh!!

Did that say something about autism?!?!

From federal sources?!?!


My vaccines!!!!

But they're good!! 😆

@wobblyboost You're very welcome. Take them and use as you please. I'll couple it with video references.

@wojak I hope you learn to use your fucking brain and learn to fucking read from federal sources and the CDC about what THEY give you, fucking ignorant dumbass.

Piss off

Then don't vaccinate if you want to be safe


Neither do I

I would argue you have severe cognitive dissonance. Which would impair your learning ability. So, I argue that you do.

From cognitive dissonance, yes.

I literally posted several pieces of evidence directly from the Center for Disease Control and you deliberately denied them.

You are insane

I don't know. Do you?

Huh. More autism references


I will force feed you red pills!!

What is this rubbish?

For sure

U.S. to be new North Pole? 😆😂


Any government is evil

Natural Law will prevail.

Sheeple killed the Jews?

Bombshell in

Adolf Hitler was Walt Disney


Do it


Do the roar!

Don't kill him

He's cool

But do the roar


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