Tired Idealist

Discord ID: 272587444707393538

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They should do public talks on the JQ.

Russians are mongols.

Still Mongols, bud, sorry. No different then the rest of them.


The mongol is right this time.

Shut up mongol

Not a circle, please.

Next world war will be the war against the Jews.

The majority of white trash are anglos though.

Genghis* gets it.

I always forget the Swiss exist.

Because both the EU and Communism are Jewish tools.

@Deleted User He said that tunnel is for summoning Satan, actually.

Dammit Genghis.

You're welcome. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

>Not denying what Bruce said to begin with

Ya got me there.

@Deleted User Considering the Anglo is trying to leave, methinks not.

Trying to leave europe in general. Get out of the shitstorm.

Ever seen Africa?

It gave up.

>implying the dude isn't just an idiot trolling

Is @Firefly the only mod here?

Fucking hell. That needs to be fixed.


Yeah, we can tell.

This is worse than awful.

I'd skull fuck him.

Good question.

I've yet to figure that out.

I mean, why do whites listen to rap?

I call it Niggerfication.

The 60's I think was the point of no return.

I'd argue you're incredibly dull and unfunny, chink friend.

Christianity expelled the Jewry for centuries, what are you on about?



You clearly lack an understanding of Jesus' teachings if you think He was a pacifist, bud.


Expose my ignorance?

Lmao, please explain in what manner Jesus was a pacifist.

One of His apostles literally chopped a dude's ear off.

He fixed the dude up.

So what?

This doesn't changed the fact that "His robes will be dripping with blood" when He returns.

Nor does He or any of his apostles ever tell people not to fight.

His bait was trash @Firefly, but the spam was fucking awful. You need some more mods in here.


Good observation.

Wow, you're on a roll.

I'm not angry either if that's what you're getting at, friendo.


Mao ate lice out of his pubic hair.

Even then Jesus doesn't specifically support pacifism. He might prefer peaceful methods over violent ones, but that doesn't mean violence is never justified.

Resist evil, temptation, and hypocrisy really sucks don't do it.

In what perspective...?

@Deleted User I didn't say genocide or militarism is good. :/

Yeah, but I never said that was good. I *do* think it is, but I never said so.

Not on the genocide bit you're not. I don't *want* to kill anyone.

I'm not committing genocide either... What are you on about now?

This doesn't mean I like to kill people. Just that I'm prepared to do so to further the nation.


That's really not true. I dont' enjoy taking a shit, but I do it anyway.

I'm not Indian, so.

Nope. I'm a burger.

You're Austrailian?

If I had realised I was talking to an Aussie I never would've bothered in the first place.

From what?

I'm already backed against a wall, there's nowhere left to run to.

'Night, cunts.

I'm out of here.


Well, yes and no.

/pol/ is becoming r/The_Donald for sure.

Jews are not just a religion. Renouncing their religion is no problem for them. They will do so to further their race. And Communism just doesn't work. It fails miserably, causing incredible amounts of suffering in its wake. Communism, unlike Fascism or Nation Socialism, completely rejects the rights of the individual and the existence of personal property. Communism is just another form of cuckoldry. Instead of cucking to the ultra-rich glocalists you're cucking to a new (Jewish) regime that doesn't give a shit about your rights.

That last one is pretty accurate, tbh.

Yeah, that's brilliant, just ruin the world's largest oil supplies.

Then nuke African nations instead. Literally worthless.

Looks like the less niggers the less crime.

Wtf is that furry shit?

I hate the people who call AntiFa fascists.

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