big fat memes

Discord ID: 161119425309835264

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even celts aren't white

my fucking sides

i thought you hated equality

so much for the intolerant right

Ik they're not white

Scotsmen are actually Somalians in skirts


eaiser said than done my guy

huay song sauce

hiung cho chung

absolutely beautiful?

he killed himself cause people laughed at him

literally the most beta coup that's ever existed

the virgin coup

on that subject

fascism is an illogical and immaterial theory that doesn't work in practise

it leads to huge amounts of death


fascism is a spook

literally immaterial concepts that aren't real

because things that aren't in the material world are non-existent

no, it's scientific tier

maths is based on existing measurements of physical things

materialist philosophy: talks about physical material in the world we are experiencing, eg something that is real
immaterial philosophy: talks about concepts about things that do not actually exist in the world like God or other imaginary probabilities

@Deleted User We can experience these numbers because they are symbology of material measurements

We do not experience God because there is no physical proof of him existing, therefore this is an immaterial philosophy

if the universe stopped existing, numbers would stop existing

the world is not the universe

give an example of a general concept

"Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that all things, including mental aspects and consciousness, are results of material interactions."


"In contrast to materialism, idealism concedes the primary of consciousness, which means consciousness exists before material, consciousness creates and determines material, not vice versa. Idealism theories believe consciousness is the origin of the world and aim to explain the existing world by mental causes."

then what are you, a pluralist, a dualist, an idealist or a materialist because these are the only options?

Then what are you?

Jesus christ this is like one of these videos where a fucking idiot gets basic maths explained to them

How the fuck did you manage to go through life being this much of a fucking brainlet?

Tell us what you are then

If you're not a materialist or an idealist

can you answer the question you debate dodging retard

if you're not a materialist or an idealist then what are you?

nigga are you having a stroke

are you ok

compelling argument

he does make me seriously consider mandatory sterilisation for IQs this staggeringly low

rich chortles

All Floridians should be sterilized

all wh*toids should be sterilized

holy fuck the hyphen

the absolute aspergers

johannes you are seriously autistic

real art

it is the right place

we are actual leftists

just there's a lot of right wingers here as well

oh well at least we can say we're pretty inclusive

i mean actual left

true then

same but people can be pretty provocative tbh

@su do you have an ideology or philosophy you identity with?

he's an immaterialist of course

but an immaterialist with materialist characteristics

lmao johannes stop projecting

if you want to talk over it, we're listening

johannes, are there any problems at home you'd like to talk to us about?

cause we're listening

and we'll support you all the way

ah so you're a materialist immaterialist

but we're not arguing against border control here, we're all in favour of tightline immigration policy

what made you think we'd call you a nazi johannes?

you're not projecting again are you/

oooooooh he's angry

everytime the heat is on johannes he immediately has a stroke and mixes up his words

did you have troubled teens johannes?

my parents had a divorce

what is the insult in that even

>lmaoooo i was spoilt as a kid xdddd


@su is probably trolling herself, either that or i'm just too cynical

i voted for JEB!

his slow and steady approach would have saved the USA from enviromental extinction

and kept the economy running at a good, sensible pace

he would have completely obliterated traffic accidents by bringing the speed limit down even further and making it mandatory to keep the speed of each car at 5mph

yeah what's even wrong with divorced parents lmfao

family values aren't important

family is a spook

johannes, have you made any breakthroughs in immaterial materialist philosophy?

that's great to hear, make sure to publish your findings

Phenomenology of Materialist Spirit

@reedpopper you loved my dick pics

i dont even have any big fat memes tbh

just shit ghetto ones

like they say

the left can't meme

they are

holy shit look at this nigga's deviantart pfp

autistic drawing my guy

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