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2020-01-16 21:54:50 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

2020-01-16 21:56:31 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Me? And Fed?

2020-01-16 21:57:44 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  


Hey guys I'm from Hampton roads area and I'll be there

Yes thanks, I havent found anyone local with the courage or availability enough to go

I'm happy to see alot of out of state support, if VA falls, itll be a domino affect

So what's the sit rep so far like is everyone meeting up or what?

2020-01-16 22:07:09 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Is mayonnaise a instrument

What that fence do to you

The same people who ordered it put up are against a fence on the border

2020-01-17 00:03:55 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

So they actually ight? The wings?

2020-01-17 00:04:56 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Oh ok, I'll check em out asap

2020-01-17 01:26:48 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  


2020-01-17 02:00:15 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Charles Darwin in the flesh watching his theory work

2020-01-17 02:02:42 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

In sure the 1940 germans had the same thought lol

2020-01-17 02:02:48 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Also building some cool ass stuff

2020-01-17 05:10:15 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

*Slids bolt cutters into kit *

2020-01-17 05:10:26 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Ah yes those are nice hydraulic lines ya got there

2020-01-17 05:12:57 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

So it's like a mobile shield? Attached to a bobcat

2020-01-17 05:13:24 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

I wonder if those round things are firing ports

2020-01-17 05:14:09 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Yeah, imma look up some info on it. Interesting either way

2020-01-17 05:17:18 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Wow. Our tax money at work

2020-01-17 05:17:23 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Against us

2020-01-17 18:48:36 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Hell yeah

2020-01-17 18:52:51 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Good info. I dont have a mask, but imma fill my bag with whole milk bottles and water to help out others if they get it. It's the least I can do

2020-01-17 19:05:29 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Okay I just ordered one of Amazon, it's a civilian one but only thing I could find thatll get here by tomorrow

2020-01-17 19:06:48 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Idk if I posted it here but i seen a video of antifa breaking the windows on a bus full of trump supporters and spraying gas inside shit was crazy.

I'm going to print a few out

any of you guys wanna add each other on snapchat? so we can communicate that way with pics and vids on the day of ?

2020-01-17 20:08:21 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

I second that @Rogal Dorn The Autistic even tho I was born there

Initially probably hella confusion

Depends on your personal agenda. I'm not gonna support some white nationalist or Antifa movement.

I'm sure groups will form, and fronts will be made. the fuuds, the boomers, the VCDL sunday best guys, and 3III guys, counter protesters etc.

2020-01-17 21:49:28 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Nice dude

2020-01-17 21:50:00 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Is that a belt or backpack setup

2020-01-17 21:51:19 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Nice I have similar setup, not as detailed tho

2020-01-17 21:51:38 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Medical is standard IFAK beefed up some

2020-01-17 22:26:41 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  


If possible give us a update or PM me with what yall decide

For sure, I just wanna know what everyone elses thought process is, everyone on here seems pretty squared away.

True. I'm only carrying side arm, which I can conceal or not conceal either way

I dont plan on going onto the grounds

2020-01-17 23:08:18 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  


Idk how accurate these are but its something

For the love of god dont bring your blackjack lmao

The circled #1 is where the main entrance is supposed to be

The main and only entrance to the capital grounds aka the cages

Good morning gents

2020-01-18 15:43:07 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Well is anyone on here going wearing NRA fuud stuff or MAGA hats?

2020-01-18 15:48:47 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Yeah, I agree with the having a brain part.

I'm assuming Antifas special farces will be there, remember back in the day they were using mosins, I'd love to pick a few tulas

2020-01-18 17:40:16 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

They do sell old fire trucks, ambulances, police cars etc

2020-01-18 17:42:10 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Just to be picked off by a sniper

2020-01-18 17:44:53 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #meme-warfare]  


2020-01-18 18:07:25 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

The media will be focused on Ar15s, Confederate flags, and any white supremacists

2020-01-18 18:08:25 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  


2020-01-18 18:14:06 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Yeah, I cant speak for everyone on here, and I respect everyone's beliefs and opinions, but I will not be labeled a white supremacist. I am going to defend our rights and others defending them. Not use it as a platform to talk about race.

I'm packing enough food and such for 3 days, I recommend you guys do similar. You never know.

2020-01-18 19:02:27 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

If I misspell on here its bc I'm working and typing between work

โ€œIn the beginning of a change the Patriot is a scarce man, and brave and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriotโ€ - Mark Twain

Search on fb for antifa seven hills, that's the local antifa chapter for Richmond

Some interesting reads on there

I have no experience with one, and want to order one.

Oh sorry wrong chat.

Well they support gun rights, in the purpose of protecting minorities against the police and white supremacists

They are coming to protest for gun rights in that name

They do not like Richmond police or Northam

I'm not saying they are anywhere near our side, but was suprised to see thier motives. Could be fake for all I know but it's a fb page

2020-01-18 22:54:09 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

I think the majority of us on here have accepted the possibility, and are hopefully as prepared as we can be.

2020-01-18 22:57:43 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

If this one goes well, and progress is made, I'm sure there will be others, other states will follow

Yep, unfortunately, I've been seeing that alot

I've been called worse


Have a safe trip. Anyone running a "battle belt" setup?

2020-01-19 02:34:44 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  


Same. I'm glad itll be cold on monday, plenty of layers

2020-01-19 04:09:19 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

youll have to cheers to my choccy milk

2020-01-19 04:44:30 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

i do

2020-01-19 04:57:12 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

No worries g

2020-01-19 06:33:46 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  


2020-01-19 15:53:16 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  

Werkin as well

2020-01-19 16:40:48 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #boogaloo-talk]  

I just ordered one yesterday

2020-01-19 16:54:23 UTC [P A T R I O T wave #general]  


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