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ah so same person

yep its the same person

he stlls gets some things wrong and some times back track on his work, only say that since some of the fash i do have contact with got pissy at him since he defended some asian girl.

>I've never seen anyone actually win in a debate against him

Must have been terrible people, he doesn't make that comeplling of arguments, like on his segregation video or mlk one he compared segregation as something of no big deal or akin to houses.

Don't make jewtubes and it would just be nitpicks on some ofhis things.

like one of the issues with like race and iq is that some of those asian get ahem "dumber" as they "americanize"

>enviromental impact on IQ

So which is it race or getting a better fucking education? 🤔

whats the 80% of international regret

I mean when i look at this stuff it just seems like its expained away with culture:

Asians push a lot to be smart (to the point a lot of their youth an heroes due to its stress)

Whites are more lax but in some houses push hard and others not so much

And blacks, well U.S lot of them are poor and Africa is fucking Africa.

pls stop posting dog dicks

this was what came up

dm them furry shit

those terms reffered to how they were aligned in the cold war...

first world was western aligned, second warsaw, and third was the non aligned.

never heard it in that one

no you are retarded right, we got that

Yes we have and its usually been nations that were still in the non aligned position in the cold war

btw you never answered me on what i found when i looked it up

>By that logic, Australia should be a third world country since they were non-alighned during the cold war

Autralia was a U.S ally

was even part of the short lived SEATO

it was western aligned

I mean i posted my pic above

the thing the screen shot

on when i looked up that trans racial adoption

>the study says that they have similar IQ as children
Do you know what the wilson effect is?

No we were talkinga bout trans racial adotpion at elast i was

and it came out to say there was no differnce

So they magically lost their iq? Or...

So they indeed just so we are clear, thanos snapped their IQ, due to this effect.

Does this mean that international regret, thanos snapped theirs

may may or not i am just being jovial

but is that not what you are saying

that their iq went down

see my main thing in this is this doesn't explains one issues that arise, like take a scientist just in general, Their kid could be as dumb as a brick.

It doesn't really explain how intelligence is something inherited

and this is not even talking about the issues with IQ tests themselves which have people yay and nay for them.

Yes you get all your info from a big brained big boy on jewtube that made like 5 mlk videos, you are smart we get it.

>IQ test predict postive life outcomes

I am sure blacks would be very happy and have postive outcomes if they weren't shot at all the time

rn reading on information on wilson effect actually

most of the stuff on that page and its results had a lot of factors on it but they haven't drawn the same conclusions as you.


>Ancedotes are cute and all but don't really mean much

Arent you the types that are like using anecdotes of like "congo is shit so fuck them blackies"

I know E, reading it would be too hard

Its a common right wing argument I run into"africa is shit and that proves blacks suck."

which is an anectdotal thing

and i looked up the things E and it seems it didnt say what you think it says unless you got something else :\

>literally who

Its not hard to find right wingers mocking Africa, and praising "look how far Euros have done to out pace blacks"

There were a lot of kingdoms in pre colonial Africa, lot of shit going on there. ~~play ck2~~

What helped Europe rise to world power was the re-birth of a lot of philospohical and culture stuff the Greeks invented, after the plague and such kinda forced them to adapt.

Before hand Europe was just as primitve as well, anywhere else

from vidya but a general map of some of the african states circa 19th century


it was do execution and the higher reproduction rates of the upper class

what is this too?

i mean it kinda is, they were very primitve and barbaric people, the romans would often look down and snub them

much like well, racislits with blacks

it was mostly Greek and Roman philosophy and traditions that eventually allowed Europe to get better as many of them got a fetish for them and tried copying them. Then Europe got lucky enough to master firearms first.

and yes regrets listed kingdoms were on the map too, lot of North African nations and empires rose and fall.

there's also issues with like farming.

"Best case against democracy is a talk with the average voter" - Churchill roughly.

tbh there's been a lot of criticisms on democracy.

made from varying angels

seen even the "women ruined it" types

you said "low iq is bad for democracy" which comes off as "only people who vote my way are right"

@TERRIFIED OF YOU i play vicotria 2 ck2 and hoi4 and 3

never got into eu series

paradox games are loved for poltical masterbation and how easily moddable.

And yeah, seems a bit of a stretch on semite claim.

is their flag the one where its decapitation

since iirc one african empire had that

yeah they are right

thats its location btw

no relation to modern benin

but i am not finding anything arab related

only contact with the portugese

since portugese were one of the first Euros to travel around

and ~~colonize~~ talk to people

roughly when it was formed

its an old ass kingdom

We're in Benin bu you are in de nile

bad joke is bad but true

but yes mr e's thing still does not stand since it seems arabs were never down that area

benin would only later get eaten in 1897

and then forced into nigeria

**When people in Benin discovered Britain's true intentions were an invasion to depose the king of Benin, without approval from the king his generals ordered a preemptive attack on the British party approaching Benin City, including eight unknowing British representatives, who were killed. A punitive expedition was launched in 1897. The British force, under the command of Admiral Sir Harry Rawson, razed and burned the city, destroying much of the country's treasured art and dispersing nearly all that remained. The stolen portrait figures, busts, and groups created in iron, carved ivory, and especially in brass (conventionally called the "Benin Bronzes") are now displayed in museums around the world.**
Also the eternal anglo destroyed a lot of their shit

>Colonalism did not make africa poor


I never said that. Shill out bro.

Like it wasn't even realted to the above.

like i know that stuff happens in war but its still a shame it happend.

there were African kingdoms and nations that just got nommed by Euros later. No one was talking about if it made it pooor or not either E

and loagno kingdom

@TERRIFIED OF YOU i agree. like i understand

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