
Discord ID: 651869752012046347

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in like 15 days

tryna make music

i wish i was as good with synths as Com Truise

2019-12-05 05:10:23 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #food]  

coleslaw is big gay

2019-12-05 05:10:40 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #food]  

i want a tendie sandwich with Monster Energy

2019-12-05 05:10:48 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #food]  

not *in* the sandwich

2019-12-05 05:11:05 UTC [Keque's Cabin in the Woods #food]  

i'd probably put like, salad dressing in the sandwich

yeah, get a bernie mask

i feel like certain music invokes the same certain feeling in people or attracts the same people

most /k/ommandos listen to shit like serbian turbofolk and molchat doma

for some reason furries really like Electro Swing

>literal DOOMer

some music clicks well with my autism

I can program really well when i listen to death grips

but i hate programming

and death grips

the shittiest one

male, ON, CA, 14
Keque veteran, here since the server had like 10 people

@sky daddy discord fucking banned me, its borderline

i was in a server that raided somewhere

i wasnt raiding but the whole server was nukes

also there's a 33% chance the world will end when quantinum computing goes mainstream

i'm starting to think the world is a simulation

it may not be a digital simulation

but a simulation created by higher beings

yeah the guy that made the weak free bricklayers rant

which i love btw, does anyone have a copy

if i take off that door will you die

Winjeets BTFO

Playing the lonesome road dlc in FONV rn

Crazy shit

Just completed lonesome road

Already done honest hearts

One left to do

My bad

I got to fight marked one's alongside eulesseyes

Pretty based tbqh

Why does team fortress 2 attract so many furries and bronies and weebs and shit

Can I get a better role plz

I need access to #shitposting

Just downloaded all the memes off my PC onto my phone

I don't listen to music with vocals usually

I tend to listen to stuff like aphex twin

Imagine playing scunt

Engi best class

@Aeiou does chills build on last

Fucking nigger

When I play engie I always do the good shit

Like putting dispensers just outside a control point in a safe area

Putting teleporters down

I'd ask iif that was you breeki but the guy is too white

@mandeezy you look like if mumkey Jones and Dylan klebold had a kid

@Diadact tell your mom to run faster next time

@Diadact are you a white leg or dead horse?

How are things with the new cannanites

@Diadact turn off torch rock, stop using talk app made by animal people

Breeki disappoint elders with cave painting history, better use shadow mode next time

Breeki learn how to use photorock

Elders see photorock paintings, elders think breeki likes men

Breeki batting for other tribe

Breeki surrounds self in Japanese cave paintings because tribal women no like

Breeki need to exit cave once in a while

Spend too much time on cave paintings

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