
Discord ID: 230951271895400448

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I have to eat like every three hours or I get so hungry it makes me nauseous

I'm not diabetic I lift weights throughout the day

or I'll put it like this: if I am diabetic I don't know it and don't show any signs

I'm in effect complaining about a problem I myself made and work to perpetuate, yeah kek

I'd doubt it though, because I think I would have gone into ketosis by now

and I've never had blood sugar issues

I don't actually need to, I just do or I lose like ten pounds in a day and feel sick the whole time

and lift daily-6 times a week

again I think my metabolic rate is just stupid high rather than it being the beetus, but who knows

maybe I will lose my foot in time

I doubt it, but nobody seemed to think I was kek

shane I'd still beat you up if I was

I'd just drink some sugar syrup first for the short burst of energy required

and then go into ketoacidosis after

I've seen diabetics (congenital type 1 diabetics) beat the fuck out of people actually

it doesn't really cause much of an issue when managed

I think I would have to be fatter to have developed it honestly kek

I don't give a fuck about banging 16 year olds really

they are all too skinny and don't have developed enough tits or ass

this is probably a "me problem" though

hey look shane has another void boi to talk about nothingness with

did you make that up thralled

yeah that sounds like stoner doom metal lyrics

that would actually be a good powerviolence or doom song too kek

put that to a like nails instrumental with a good growling vocalist and that could bang

like that kind of instrumental

cancer 1 isn't half bad thralled, that's like drone ambient almost

yeah honestly if you keep with that project it could maybe go somewhere, or just keep doing things like that

yeah that's like legit good
I like weird music, just to say, but cancer 2 is legit good kek

guitar was good on that, drums were good on that, and I liked your vocals too

some people can't scream right, they don't put enough emotion into it

lot of people take that primarily for music enhancement if they use it

all of this being in effect quite complicated and opaque is actually why studying even secular philosophy of semiotics and ontological roots of meaning is actually very useful in the context of occultism

because a sigil is not an egregore and an egregore is not an archetype, and neither is technically a sigil

although, to make use of these categories, they are necessarily blended

that is what makes the delineation difficult

the top post is a good method of simple explanation

I would say that the primary distinction between an egregore and an archetype per se is that an egregore is what people say it is, whereas archetypes are essentially unchanging in nature and change only in presentation, meaning an egregore can easily jump from archetype to archetype over time

based on the needs or wants of the community of users

if they know enough to be aware that they are being influenced by and are influencing an egregore

serious conversation in sigils/symbols currently

better be good to smash a controller over not shaving a moustache quickly enough k e k

nice job wasting your own money I guess

yeah I mean it's almost like being a hikki/neet isn't that big of a problem compared to a lot of things

legal issues, actual lack of food or housing, etc

that's what I mean, it's not even something that can't be enjoyable

thralled I kinda know that feel kek

having the legal system all in your mental health issues is terrible

if you have it to use like that

don't get legally mandated psychiatry then folie kek

cause then you have no choice

it nearly is at this point honestly

people are just as depressed here from my experience

although I haven't been to mexico

california is basically little mexico

that's usually been my experience as to why

and then when I start telling them about shit they tell me to stop

because it makes them depressed

you can know about it or not, it will still affect you

the french caused that themselves

like the current generation there

so in that matter I have not so much sympathy

you should read a bit of zos speaks if you can find it, should be in the eye collection I pinned in mystery school discussion

spare was effectively the originator of the current method of sigil usage and construction

and that is the best book by/on spare, by kenneth grant

robberies are best done on sleepy days when nothing happens in the daytime when people are gone

I am not responsible for what you do with this

wolfy with the high tier strats

that is a good book but that's more on the post chaos magic late 90s method

which is an adaptation/simplification of the spare system
still a good book on that though

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