
Discord ID: 204367392111984649

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What'd you say I'm just joining in

Once you punch me the argument of free speech is irrelevant I think

You punching me was not speech

Absolute as in free speech isn't always a thing?


I see

I think yall are trying to argue different things

At this point

I mean niggas are gonna judge and or act on whatever you say so anything could have consequences

Is that what you're saying?

I think yall are trying to compare vigilantee "justice" to legal punishment

So I think you're arguing free speech vs hate speech?

Is what I'm arguing


From this

As a rule of thumb exceptions to everything exist

If I say "Im gonna bomb me school today" I'll prolly get arrested and charged terroristic threat

So in that case my threat was an exception to the "rule" of "free speech"

Am I getting it?

Okay cool

Yeah that makes sense

I think that's just part of the example

"Something to that effect"

Not literal

Yo e what are you arguing

Like baseline what is your argument

Is child support in Ireland

Out of curiosity

I c

I kinda got a similar situation going on

Except my dad is relatively upper mid class

Instead of me mum


But reversed

I wouldn't doubt it

She's can provide more monetarily and theres that whole female thing

It's just how that would work

Provided his mom doesn't have any issues she's in a better position

It really do be like that


Oh wow

I would think that gives him a pretty good income

Yeah middle class

Uwu commie supreme

Uwuism is the new world order


Prolly gonna evolve back into conservatives

It ebs and flows in us


I thin rn we're relatively liberal in the us

I think we'll hit the rebound whenever that starts causing a Fuck ton of issues

Or until whatever counter culture sweeps the nation changes shit



Might be some survivors but I don't think it'd be enough to restore the human race

Fallout is pretty cool

Hit that new Vegas

We'd prolly go back to depending on small groups

And being villages basically


Who knows

I'd be more interested in seeing what happens to the wild life

Like that'd basically be an evolutionary reset button


I don't mean like stupid ooga booga niggas

I mean tribes are set up so they all have their shit to do and theres not much room for change

Hunter gathering type social structure


And humans wouldve adapted to an earth that's like very very different from what it's like post bombs so I don't expect us to last long


Tribal social structure isn't something most of the world needs

When we had it it's because it was good survival strategy

I could def see us going back to that when bombs fall

We'll have to start producing all our own stuff again

Instead of relying on others in some way shape or form

Same probably

What do you mean


Traditional style economic structures

Idk about that I feel like that'd suck


I would like to be able to choose my profession

thats understandable

but if someone determines im best at farming

i dont neciserliy want to be a farmer

i butchered that word p bad

i would say its already kinda like that

most effecient makes the most money

maximization of efficiency is what gets the big moneys

well fanny is the smartest man in the universe he *cant* be wrong

corruption brings in more money


to those that are making the money

so i dont disagree

i think it can give a lot of power to a corrupt indivdual or indivduals

and the us was basically built off tobacco and slavery so maybe thats not toooo far of a stretch

the us wanted to e independant too

i wasnt talking to you

i was drawing a comparison between us and ireland

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