Adarsh Balak

Discord ID: 264723662580613131

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This server needs better theorists

It led to progress

For millions

It brought land reform

Free healthcare

Industrialised their economies

Yes bitch

The only progress that has been achieved last century

Is through Socialism

Even the 8 hour working day

Women's suffrage

Women's right to work

To the poverty reductions in China and Russia

The only regimes where significant human progress took place

Compare Cuba to Colombia todayy

Or Puerto Rico for that matter

Compare Russia and China to India and Pakistan

Soviet Union achieved in 20 years what the west achieved in 100 with the Industrial revolution

The 5 year plans were a massive success

Capitalism benefitted humanity in the 19th century

In the 20th it was only socialism

Which achieved human progress in absolute terms

These arguments are pathetic

A very shallow knowledge if history

And economy

Capitalism is less efficient

The contradictions within Capitalism make Socialism inevitable

If one day we decide not to fall back to cycles of fascism so that Capitalism keeps enduring

Neoliberalism is another trap we fall to

With Capitalism

Just like authoritianism and instability are challenges most socialist projects face

Neoliberalism and fascism will remain challenges for Capitalism to negate

And that will happen only with Socialism

So today is the day I leave everything and go join the naxalites in their struggle

And to the comrades fighting neoliberal imperialism in Venezuela, Syria,Iraq,Libya, Palestine

I raise solidarity

Are there any comrades here who are engaged in a proletarian struggle?

So this is the state of the international left

There is an Egyptian Nazi party

And they make less sense than the western neonazis themselves

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