6/10 Psychopath Nude Seller

Discord ID: 189980911046098944

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@Repzion Do you know who Martin Shkreli is?

Is this all you guys talk about


Hey I just got rejected

By someone suicidal

Listen to this

The losers have migrated to the cool ppl discord

One day they will find their way to my discord, the cornucopia of discords

Pray that it will not last.

Who here gets derealization real bad for no reason


Where you cannot get a hold on reality

Rather than a hallucinatory response, you simply feel as though nothing is real/ you are viewing perception through a vessel, etc

Usually characterized by pinpoint pupils.

As you are processing less light.

Because you become withdrawn. Sensory perception is at a minimal.

It really sucks.

Trying to focus on the way water makes a glimmer on your feet sparkle in the hopes that it will draw you back to reality

Then realizing that these efforts are hopeless because you are a broken human who cannot experience life in the same way as others.

A habitually troubled human. That guy who is always upset. No one wants to be that guy.

And you find yourself unable to remember that glimmer or sparkle you tried so desperately to focus on because you're swallowed up by time

Woe is me.

@Repzion who I'm voting for will get more attention.

@Repzion You know better than me.

Nice title choice



Hell yeah

@Squiggles you're in here holy shit!


How do I get @everyone priveledges

Now that everyone is here I need a small loan of a million dollars HMU

This iz u guys

DONT WORRY @martinshkreli#2402 I WILL PROTECT U https://twitter.com/xintani_/status/818207741852418048

DONT WORRY @martinshkreli#2402 I WILL PROTECT U https://twitter.com/xintani_/status/818207741852418048

What's the invitation to this server

Gj keep it up

Repzion is officially my BF

Ladies bacc off

I know that chick

She's networking YouTube lol

Don't trust Hannah

@Repzion you look really hot in this pic

The pooping snapchat pic

Hey are there any programmers/scientists in here?

Yo Repzion do you remember me?

I'm networking smart people.

SO pm me if you have a degree

That's fine we have one guy who never finished his PhD but he's smarter than everyone in there

"People like to abuse them"

>Abusing chemicals

>>Sheeple who don't understand chemistry


You're stupid

People love to hate on what they aren't invited to

I am guessing you don't get invited to parties

American standard of weight

Is way higher than everywhere else

150 is obese for 5'5 I think

I mean think about how much extra fat that is

I'm 147 lbs at 5'5 and I'm fat

I was 200 lbs before too

It doesn't matter. It isn't healthy

I don't look large

I look good

But it's not healthy

Humans aren't supposed to have that much fat

Fat acceptance is a really dumb concept

I used to be 200 lbs

I'm not some skinny bitch running around saying it

But forreal fat acceptance is beyond stupid

Everything you say in here is like

Get smart pls

Can a certified feminist please explain to me why all men want to penetrate me?

Certified feminism is the only reason I'm in here wtf

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